Sunday, August 19, 2012

So proud :)

Last week brought the last summer camps of summer 2012 for Blake and Emerson!  And they both had an absolute BLAST!!  Emerson enjoyed Jitter Bugs at the YMCA.  One of the camp leaders was a preschool teacher last year and she new 4 of the other 'campers'!!  They went swimming 3 out of 5 days, went on nature walks, made crafts and had a dance party on the last day!  Blake looooved his hockey camp!!  They had 1/2 an hour of dry land training every morning, which mostly consisted of sprints, soccer, stretching, obstacles, etc.  Blake really, really enjoyed this part of his camp!  I think he will definitely be asking to play soccer this spring, as he told us he loves soccer and wanted to practice playing almost every afternoon after his camp!!  The on ice portion of the camp was 45 min.  Blake also enjoyed this part and it was amazing to see improvements in just a few days!  He is stopping a lot better and his backwards skating was so much better on the last day!  His favorite part of on-ice, was the game played at the end of the session!  He told us that the greens (a few of the boys nicknamed the green jersey team the Christmas tree's!) and the greys (they nicknamed this team the Quicksilver team) each won 2 games and tied one, so overall it was a tie!!  He was quite pleased with this ;)

Our afternoons were also quite busy, last week!  Blake, Emerson and I did some back to school shopping on Monday afternoon.  We bought most of Blake's school supplies and 1 pair of shoes!  He still needs 1 more pair of shoes and Emerson needs a new pair as well.  Back to school shopping is so much fun!  I LOVED this time of year, as a kid!  I was always excited to go back to school and had so much fun shopping for supplies and a few new outfits :)  On Tuesday afternoon, Cal took Blake and Emerson to the Telus World of Science.  As always, they had a lot of fun!!  Wednesday afternoon, Lindsay and Connor arrived!  We had a great time together!!  Thursday afternoon Lindsay, Connor, Blake, Emerson, my Mom and myself went to the Valley Zoo.  It was a fun afternoon, complete with a visit to the new Arctic exhibit, a Lucy sighting (Emerson's favorite animal at the Valley zoo!), visiting Blake's best friends the banana monkeys, ice cream and a train ride!  We are so glad Lindsay and Connor could come for a visit :)  Connor is growing and changing and is soooo cute and adorable!  Not to mention a very good baby and happy as can be :)

This weekend has been all about the Canadian Derby marathon!!  Blake participated in the ABC Run for Kids on Saturday afternoon.  It consisted of 6 active body stations and a fun run!!  Blake had so much fun!  He ran his little heart out and was so proud of himself, as are we and many of our friends and family!!  He also raised $285.00 for KidSport!  Thank you to everyone who donated to this worthy cause and supported Blake!  Thank you to Grandma and Grandpa D for coming out to cheer on Blake and to Grandma Bev for the phone call, we really appreciate it :)  We have a feeling this is the first of many races for Blake!!  Next year, we may make it a family event with Cal running in the marathon, I may try and take on the 5 or 10 k race and all 3 kids participating in the ABC Run!!!

Cal ran in the half marathon this morning (21.1 km).  This is the third half marathon he has ran in and he did great!  His finishing time was 1:55:27, his best time to date!  He finished 79th out of 162 runners amongst males, aged 30 to 39, out of all males he finished in 271st place out of 554 runners and overall he finished 398th out of 1261 runners who completed the race!  I'm so proud of him :)  He plans to run 1 or 2 more half marathons and then hopes to train for a full marathon.  The training for a full marathon is so time consuming, it is hard with a full time job and 3 little ones!  Not to mention a 'honey-do' list from his honey ;)  lol!!!  But hopefully he can fit it in because he has wanted to complete a full marathon for a few years now.  This event was so well organized and so much fun!  Although we've never been to a Running Room event that wasn't a huge success!

Another fantastic week of summer, come and gone!  We're looking forward to this week - a playdate with the Stony Plain Cameron's and visiting friends and family in Grande Prairie this weekend!

Have a great week everyone :)

Love The Cameron's

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