Monday, November 5, 2012

You Are Unique

Today I had the pleasure of volunteering in Blake's classroom during an in school field trip!!  It has been a volunteering kind of two weeks for Cal and I!!  And we love it :)  We're very thankful for the opportunity to volunteer in the kids classrooms.

This in school field trip was all about being unique and different.  It was fantastic!  Such a great lesson for the kids.  The leader was wonderful, she travels from school to school running this presentation in kindergarten classes.  The students identified how they are unique from their classmates and did some fun exercises, forming trains based on hair color, eye color, activity preferences, etc.  The blue eyed train would walk around the classroom and pick up the green eyed cars, etc. etc. until one long train was formed!  They also did a craft where they chose activities they like to do and objects they like and put together a small model of themselves, choosing their hair color, eye color, clothing, socks and a hat.  I asked Blake what he learned from the field trip and he said, "Everyone is unique and special!"  Objective met :)

After the field trip, Blake and I went shopping for some new long sleeve t's!  His classroom seems a bit chilly to me!  Then we went to Cora's for brunch.  It was delicious, I'd never been before!  It was a great 'date' with Blake!  We find he's so quiet, doesn't say much so we're trying to spend some more 1 on 1 time with him, hoping he'll open up a bit more :)  And while he was definitely not a chatterbox (like his sisters!) we enjoyed ourselves and had some good chats!!  It's nice to focus all your attention on 1 child once in awhile!  When we're by ourselves with Emerson she talks our ear off!!  But as you know, she is quite the story teller and we find ourselves wondering, "Hmmmmm ... do Mrs. York and Mrs. Chong really live together?!"  "Did Emerson really go to see Cinderella last night while we were sleeping?!"  LOL!!  The stories she weaves are something else ;)  But we enjoy hearing them and spending time with Em, as she keeps us entertained and tells us allll about everything!!!  Reese is a bit quieter, being almost 2, but I can see in the future she will be as chatty as Em!

I'm hoping we can squeeze in time to get our flu shots this week.  We never got the flu shot last year and I think it was our 'sickest' winter.  I've heard there is a nasal mist available for the kids but it is a live culture?!  I think we'll just stick to the same old needle, as I've heard more kids who are getting the nasal mist are getting the flu before building an immunity because it's a live culture.  I don't know but I do know we've gotten the needle before, so we'll stick with that for this year!!  And hopefully the kids will cooperate.  I've never had problems with them before but as they get older, they get a bit more scared!

Talk to you soon,


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