Thursday, December 20, 2012

Fun weekend!

Ready for our sleigh ride :)
Friday evening after swimming lessons, we rushed over the Candy Cane Lane for our 4th annual sleigh ride!!  It was a gorgeous night outside, not too cold and the perfect evening for a sleigh ride.  We had so much fun, singing carols and enjoying the lights.  Blake and Em love the sleigh ride but we weren't sure how Reese would react.  Well, turns out Reese LOVED the sleigh ride too!!!  She was pointing to lights and singing Jingle Bells over and over.  It was really cute and so heart warming :) 

Saturday afternoon was Blake and Cal's hockey Christmas party, which the whole family was invited to!  We had fun, the kids ran around and played mini sticks while we visited with other parents and got to know each other a bit more!  Although it is Blake's 'team', the entire family is enjoying meeting new people and making new friends :)  Reese and Em now spend games and practices playing dolls and Barbies with their friends while I chat with the ladies!  

Sunday morning, Blake and Em were in the Christmas pageant at Church, both dressed as Shepard's.  It was very cute and a great production, with the older kids playing 'acting' roles, primarily Mary, Joseph and Elizabeth.  They did a fabulous job, putting in a lot of rehearsal time and practice!  The Church school kids (ages 3, 4 and 5) sang "Go Tell it on the Mountain" complete with actions and the congregation joined in with them the 2nd time around, it was awesome!!!  Sunday afternoon Cal's Dad, a.k.a. Grandpa Bruce, came over and we went to Blake's hockey game.  It was fun to have Bruce there and hear stories of Cal's younger days in minor hockey!  Bruce thought all the boys were really good skaters for their age and enjoyed watching Blake!  Blake came so close to scoring his first goal, it was an intense moment!!!  We had Bruce over for supper after the game and the kids kept him busy ;)  It was great to see him!

We are all done our Christmas shopping, thanks to Cal and I spending the majority of a day at Dollarama, Superstore, Walmart and Kingsway Mall!!!  Thank you to Grandma D for holding the fort down and allowing us to do some power shopping :)  I am awaiting the arrival of a few gifts that I ordered from the States.  They were ordered in November and are still not here :(  I'm REALLY hoping they arrive soon!!!  Tonight, we hope to get the majority of our wrapping done!

The kids have all been under the weather this week.  Reese woke up from her nap on Tuesday afternoon and puked all over her crib :(  But other then that 1 incident she has been fine, so hopefully that was an extremely short-lived bug!!!  Blake has a terrible cough, very phlegmy and if he was a baby I think he'd have croup!  No fever or any other symptoms, so that is good.  I kept him home from school yesterday but today he went because it is 'Winter Fun Day' and they were going on a horse drawn sleigh ride and had many other fun events planned!  I emailed Mme. Emilie to let her know he has a bad cough but no fever, etc. so hopefully no one is upset I sent him?!  Poor Emerson was really sick yesterday evening/night/early this morning :(  As we arrived at dance class yesterday evening, she puked all over herself and the car seat.  She was so sad and so upset that she was missing her dance class :(  I ran Miss Jessica's present in to her and headed home with Em.  She was sick to her stomach all night but so far she has been good today!  Again, hoping this is a short-lived bug!!  And hoping no one else catches it.  We have not been sick for so long, it has been awesome but I guess every now and then everyone has a turn!  Here's hoping everyone is feeling 100% by Christmas Eve :)

Good luck with your last minute Christmas preparations.  I still have a lot of baking I want to get done and of course, wrapping!!!  

xo Tracy


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