Friday, September 20, 2013


Miss Reese is almost 3!  She is quite the little character :)

Here are some of her favorite phrases: "I don't need you Mom!"  "I can do it myself!"  "NO!"  "I want to wear a dress!" "That's MINE!" ... needless to say, Reese is a very determined and stubborn little girl!  She knows what she wants and prefers to do everything all by herself.  Which is great, I love her fierce Independence ;)  Although hearing, "I don't need you Mom!" a gazillion times a day, does sometimes pull at my heartstrings!!!  Yes my dear, you do need me.  Sorry, but you will always need your Mom ... trust me, I know!

She's so darn cute, I want to squeeze her every minute of every day!  She has followed in her sister's footsteps and insists on wearing a dress  I'm just glad that the dresses don't necessarily need to be twirly, I can pass off a tunic as a dress!  And no matter the weather, she will NOT wear a coat or sweater!!  "I'm not cold Momma."  Even though I explain that it is cold outside ... doesn't matter!  

Reese makes us laugh and smile every day.  She is so funny, it is just plain awesome ;)  Her facial expressions are so animated, it is very entertaining!  She loves to do 'tricks' and says many times throughout the day, "Mom, watch my tricks!"  or I will be trying to get her out the door or to bed or out of the bathtub and she will say, "Okay Momma, I just have to show you my tricks."  These tricks include jumping, 'swimming', rolling, balancing on one leg, dancing, twisting, hanging off the island in the kitchen, and laying on the back of the couch, to name a few!!!  She always completes these tricks and then looks up at you with a big grin, sooooo proud of herself!!

Reese seems like a very smart little girl!  Of course we think she is, being her parents, but I do find that her speech and vocabulary is advanced for her age!  People have always remarked on how well she speaks and we agree!  She loves to count and knows most of her colors.  She has an amazing memory and surprises us at times with her recall!

Reese is in swimming lessons right now and still really loves the water.  She is still in parented lessons but we think she will be more than ready for unparented lessons once she is 3.  I also still take Reese to Come Play With Me at the YMCA, at least once a week.  She loves this class and her teacher, Miss Christine!  She often asks to go to Miss Christine's class and also will tell us, "I learned that at Miss Christine's class!" ;)  I've also started taking Reese to the childminding at the YMCA.  She loves it there and enjoys seeing Grandma Jan!!  They love her too and she has so much fun.

It's funny how each child is so different!  I always like to joke that anything Blake and Emerson didn't do, Reese will do!  She keeps us on our toes, that is for certain ;)  At bedtime she will often ask me, "Will you sleep with me Momma?"  It is so sweet, I want to just jump in her bed for the night!!  Love her to pieces :)

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