Sunday, April 13, 2014

Dessert Sunday ...

Sunday is always 'dessert Sunday' in our house, which means supper is followed by dessert.  But now we might be adding 'Joke Sunday' to our Sunday tradition ;)

I'm still laughing at Blake, Em and Reese's joke telling!!  The kids have really been into telling jokes lately and tonight at dinner they started in on it!  They went around the table telling jokes.  It was hilarious!!!!  Cal had a great idea, for every joke they told, they had to take 'x' number of bites of supper.  By the end they we were all laughing the hardest we'd laughed in awhile and Blake, Em and Reese's plates were almost empty!  They were all soooo funny!! Their facial expressions, hand gestures and how funny they thought they were, it was awesome!  And a fabulous way to end the weekend, everyone laughing so hard and having a great time :)

Reese and Emerson started swimming lessons on Friday afternoon.  They were extremely excited and spent the afternoon trying on swimsuits and packing their swimming bags!  Blake was disappointed he wasn't in lessons but he'll be quite busy with soccer 3 times a week and ball hockey once a week!  Reese did amazing in her first ever unparented lesson, we're so proud of her!!  She's a little fish and was doing bob's, and trying out assisted-front and back floats with no problem at all :)  During the game "Chop, chop, timber" the instructor asked Reese what kind of tree she was, to which she replied, "A Princess tree."  lol!  Em was unbelievably happy to start again.  When Emerson is happy, you have never seen a happier child in all your life!!  It is amazing.  Of course when she is angry, you've never seen an angrier child in all your life.  When she is sad, you've never seen a sadder child.  Etc, etc, etc.  That's our Em, nothing is half-assed!!!  But back to swimming, she was so, so happy about swimming lessons.  We didn't know who her instructor was but once we got Reese in the right meeting spot, we went in search of Em's group.  I spotted Deanna who has taught all the kids at one point in the past.  I said to Em, "I think Deanna is your instructor, Em!  She's right there."  Em piped up, "OH!  Yeah, I hope she is!  There she is!  She's the best, I love her.  I had her in Bobbers and probably when I was with Dad."  And on and on and on until we reached Deanna and found out that yes, Em is in her class!!  Em was smiling the entire time, like huge ear to ear grin!  And every time we made eye contact, she'd give us the thumb's up!  So sweet :)  We also caught her trying to say hi to Reese from across the pool!

Saturday morning brought Blake's first ball hockey game.  And guess what ... Cal is helping Coach.  Surprise, surprise.  Not enough volunteer's!  Of course we are not surprised, as we come across this EVERYWHERE!!!  Sports, Parent Council, Preschool Board, there are never enough volunteers!  But Cal is glad to help out as secretly, I know he wanted to :)  Blake had a blast and it looks like it will be a fun season!  2 of his school mates are also on his team, which he is excited about!

After ball hockey, we were off to the Edge's 24 hr charity challenge.  Blake was slotted to play in the pre-novice age division from 12 to 1.  We went a bit earlier to register, drop off Blake's pledge's, check out the silent auction and participate in the airplane toss (closest paper airplane to centre ice wins a prize).  This was an excellent event, very well organized and 100% of the donations went to the Matt Cook Foundation.  You can read more about the foundation here:  Thank you so much to everyone who sponsored Blake.  He had a very hard time speaking to some of his family members but we hope he is learning a valuable lesson about fundraising for charity and the difference he can make in the community.

After Blake's game, we went to BP's for pizza and then home to relax after a pretty busy day :)

Today was Church, yard clean-up and playing outside.  The weather has been okay, a bit on the windy side, but nice enough to be out in hoodies!

Hope you had a great weekend :)


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