Monday, December 8, 2014

You are 4, Reesey!!

We are glad you had a fabulous, fun 4th Birthday Reese!!  We love you to the moon and back :)  You have grown up a lot in the past year, beginning preschool, starting unparented swimming lessons, becoming more independent and learning so much!  You are a smart, beautiful, imaginative, stubborn, funny little girl who loves to 'read', sing, dance, play dress up, wear dresses every day, play Barbies and dolls, color and draw and cuddle with your Mom and Dad!  You love your big sister and brother and play very well (most of the time) with both of them.  You have made new friends this year at preschool and we have enjoyed watching you come out of your shell, just a little bit!  You are still quite cautious and shy around people you do not know well, which is just fine in our books.  You are loving your new dance class and doing so good at ringette!  We are so proud of you and can't wait to explore this next year with you :)

Mom & Dad

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