Thursday, April 23, 2015

Life Lately!

Here's a little update on life in the Cameron house:

Hockey and ringette ended and power skating and lacrosse started!!  Along with the regular swimming lessons and dance classes :)

We are LOVING the awesome weather.  The kids and I usually spend 30 min - 1 1/2 hrs at the school playground every day after school.  It is so fabulous.  They typically play either baseball or soccer with school friends, the girls included!  I just love it and feel very happy that they are able to have this time.  I just know I will look back on these days and be thankful we had this time, it is worth all the material sacrifices + more.  On dance days and swimming days we play until it's time to leave.  On the other days we head home for homework and relax time (for the kids ... for me it's usually a last minute scramble to put supper together ;)).

Cal is very busy at work and has also taken on another part time job ;)  He is helping a friend coach two power skating sessions on Monday nights.  Blake is in the first session.  It's great for Blake because his school friends are also in the same power skating class.  During the hockey season they play for different clubs, so he was very excited to be on the ice with them!  And of course he's having fun, there's not a minute of hockey-related activity that kid doesn't like ;) 

Lacrosse is going great!  Blake's improved so much since the first practice!  He loves it and is looking forward to his tournament this weekend.  He had his first game on Tuesday evening.  It was a lot of fun to watch and cheer the kids on - much the same environment/intensity as hockey!!  And it didn't take long for the girls to find fellow lacrosse sisters to run the rink with!

Dance is getting to the fun part of the year - competition, picture and recital time!  The girls tried on their costumes last week and o.m.g. - to die for.  Cuteness factor overload ;)  In about February dance became a bit tedious, it's a lot of practice time for the first 5-6 months but when April hits, the fun factor raises!!  The costumes come in, the older groups enter competition season (Em competes in 1 competition), professional photo's are taken in full costume/makeup and the year end recital looms!  We're looking forward to Em's competition on May 10th (what better way to spend Mother's Day?!) and both the girls dancing in the year end recital at the end of May!  This will be Reese's 1st recital and I can't wait to see her on stage :)

I'm still busy with the Preschool Board.  It keeps me quite busy but will be winding down in June!!  School Council is also busy at the moment, with the planning of a Spring Pasta Dinner and Silent Auction.  It will hopefully be the 1st of many and I'm sure next year will be easier, after getting the first one under our belts.  I have stopped Cameron's Closet and a friend has taken it over.  I don't miss it one bit and have no idea how I would it it into my week, if I was still doing it!!

Cal is running in a 1/2 marathon soon and is still loving his November Project mornings!  He's met a lot of great people through NP and enjoys their weekly "Grumpy Old Men" coffee dates after NP, on Friday mornings!!

Blake and Em have a Spring Concert coming up and we're all looking forward to the return of my parents!!  They will be back from vacation soon and although on one hand it is hard to believe almost 2 months has passed, on the other hand is has flown by. 

Here's to the beginning of Spring and all the lovely things that follow!


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