Saturday, June 27, 2015

Talent Show/Games Day/Last Day of School!!

Bring on summer!!!  And if someone would please talk to my children and MAKE THEM SLEEP IN ... that would be great, thanks ;)

The talent show was amazing ... until Reese lost interest!  Thankfully she lost interest AFTER Blake and Ryan's performance was over.  It was a bit on the long side, I can see why she lost interest!!  Blake and Ryan did great and I was so very proud of both of them.  Being a person who does not like speaking in front of a crowd, I was very proud of Blake and somewhat surprised that he really felt like it was no big deal to get up in front of the entire school and 'perform.'  But at his age, I probably felt the same way!! 

Blake and Ryan - ready for their comedy routine at the Ecole Bisop Savaryn Talent Show!
Games Day was HOT.  Like scorching hot.  But fun!!  I already forget the name of the station I ran but basically the students had to hold a ball between their hips and race to a finish line.  They started with a squishy dodge ball and then moved on to tennis balls, soccer balls, basketballs, etc.  It was fun and they even tried balancing the ball between their foreheads and chins, etc.  The entire school was split up in to teams, with a mixture of grades on each team.  Each team was led by a YL (youth leader - grade 5 or 6 student).  The teams all had animal names (the Cheetahs, Lions, etc.).  They all made team signs and came up with team chants!  It was so much fun and the kids all really enjoyed themselves.  The YL program in our school is so strong and it is so great to see the older grades working together with the younger grades and being really great role models.  The teams rotated through the stations and we all enjoyed a BBQ hot lunch, funded by the School Council. Cal took the day off and picked Em up at noon and I spent the day in the hot sun!
Games Day fun at Ecole Bishop Savaryn!!
The last day of school for Emerson was a Thursday and Blake's last day was a 1/2 day on Friday.  After school on Friday we had our 2nd annual DQ celebration!!  Lunch and ice cream with friends to celebrate another great school year :)

Em's 1st and last day of kindergarten :)

Blake's 1st and last day of grade 2 :)

Last morning walk to Bishop Savaryn - until September!!

Always the best of times with the best of friends :)  So blessed with our school family!!
Blake's report card is only on line now, they don't get a printed copy unless you request it and I forgot to write a note in his agenda.  So it took me a few days to check on line!!  But when I finally checked, his report card was great :)  He's reading above his grade level in both French and English and seems to excel in Math and Religion!  He needs to work on putting his thoughts on to paper.  Mme Melissa says he is a very deep thinker (we know this, he has been a deep thinker since the day he was born, I swear we could see that when he was just a little baby!!).  When given a writing assignment he uses a large majority of his time thinking about what he is going to write about and then has little time left to put it down on paper!!  His teacher said he is definitely thinking, not daydreaming or off task, just putting a lot of thought into his assignment :)  That's our boy!!  We're proud of his report card and we're going to journal this summer to keep the writing/pencil to paper process going.  And of course he'll be reading!  He still loves his Geronimo Stilton books but has also found a new Hardy Boys series and Cal found a kids baseball series that Blake is also reading and loving.  He's joined the Summer Reading Challenge at the local library, which is a lot of fun.

Could not have said it better!
I am so happy to be officially on summer vacation.  It will take awhile to slow the kids down, as it has been go-go-go for so long!!  Emerson, most especially, takes some time to unwind!  She'll be asking me every 10 minutes, "What are we doing today, Mom?"  "What are we doing tomorrow, Mom?"  lol!  She'll be checking what time it is, asking if it is morning, afternoon or evening.  So we'll take some time to get away from 'clock watching' and all the scheduling!  Our summer plans involve camping, play dates, library visits, biking, park time, a pj day or two and attending the green shack program at our local park and bike camp.  In the first few weeks of July I am going to sit down with the kids and compile a 'summer bucket list' :)  

Talk to you soon!!


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