Monday, September 1, 2014

'twas the night before Em started kindergarten!

Dear Emerson,

Tomorrow is a day you've been waiting for: your first day of kindergarten. You are so excited to learn and to make friends and it makes me happy to see just how excited you are.

As I sit hear tonight, I go back to the night you were born.  I remember the Dr. saying, "It's a girl!" and I couldn't believe it!!  I so badly wanted a little girl but secretly thought I was selfish for wanting both a boy and a girl.  That feels like yesterday.

And now, here you are getting ready to start KINDERGARTEN?!?!  I can hardly believe it.  And like the day you were born, I find myself filled with so many emotions.

One of those emotions is sadness.  Although you are more than ready to embark on your formal years of schooling, a part of me selfishly wants just one more year of you all to myself. I am so so SO grateful for the 5+ years I've spent at home with you - we've had tea parties, dance parties, baking parties, parties for your stuffies, dress up fun, trips to the YMCA and the library, play dates, cuddles on the couch while watching cartoons, shopping trips and so many more fun days :) You're the best little helper, always willing to help me with chores around the house and with your baby sister.  I wouldn't trade a million dollars for these days with you.

Which brings me to another emotion ... Hopefulness!!  I really hope you make great friends, that they invite you to sit with them at snack time, and play with you at recess. I hope they are kind and generous and I believe that they will be. I believe that you will meet some wonderful kids and have a lot of fun with them as you grow up together.

You were so excited to receive a postcard in the mail from your new teacher!  She seems fantastic and I am sure she will teach you many wonderful things and I hope and pray that Dad and I have given you a solid foundation that you and she can build on.  You already have a love of reading and books and I hope that continues.

And last of all, I am feeling excited for YOU! School is so much fun. Being a part of a school community is so much fun. You will learn, play, grow, and be loved. I hope you are happy and challenged and encouraged. Please know that your Dad and I expect you to always show compassion, generosity, and respect. We expect you to always be kind, good, honest, and hard-working.

I can't wait to hear all about your first day and the friends you've made!  I can't wait to see your gorgeous eyes, shining with excitement when you run off the bus!  I can't wait to feel your tiny arms around me and I can't wait to give you a kiss, after your first day of school.  I just know you are going to be so proud of everything you are learning and I can't wait for you to share that with your family :)  You are smart, kind, hard-working, talented, fun, creative and beautiful.  Your Dad and I are SO proud of you.  You will do wonderfully, we believe in you!

I love you, Sweetie (aka Em and Em the gem,!).



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