Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas Celebrations

It's funny how we spend weeks preparing for Christmas and just like that, it's over!  The preparations are always more than worth it :)

On Christmas Eve we spent the day at home - cleaning house, decorating cookies for Santa and relaxing.  That evening we attended the family pj service at Church, followed by take out and Christmas lights!!  It was a wonderful evening, the pj service is always so great, the stories and prayers targeted towards children but also enjoyable for the adults.  We picked up dinner and took in St. Albert's version of Candycane Lane.  It's just 2 blocks but gorgeous!  From there we headed to the actual Candycane Lane!  It was BUSY but we snuck in a 'back' way and enjoyed the scenery :)  When we got home we said goodbye to our elf, Picks Rudolph, set out cookies, carrots and Christmas milk (aka egg nog) and it was off to bed for the kiddo's!!  They took awhile to fall asleep ... after numerous threats that Santa was not going to come if they didn't get to sleep, they fell asleep.

On Christmas morning Cal and Blake woke early to go to November Project.  Blake was so excited to attend his very first November Project and it was a great time to attend, as they met at the zoo and there was a special visit from Santa's reindeer!!  When the boys got home, the girls were cuddled in with me and we quickly headed downstairs to open stockings and gifts :)  We spent a few hours at home, enjoying our wife saver breakfast and the kids enjoying their new gifts!  We headed to my parents house for the remainder of the day, where we met my sister and her family and my Grandma Kelley.  We had a great day!  My parents recently had all their old home movies transferred to DVD and we watched hours of footage!!  It was so awesome, I loved it all - from Christmas celebrations at my Grandma Marg and Grandpa Art's to swimming lessons in St. Paul!!  I'm so glad we have those memories to treasure forever and hopefully we'll be able to take in the other home movies some day soon!!  It was a great day with my family and after the previous weeks scare, I'm sure we all had our moments where we thanked our lucky stars that we were all together, at Mom and Dad's house.

On Boxing Day we had Cal's brother and his family, his mom and his niece and nephew over for a Cameron Christmas!  We had another wonderful day :)  The kids played outside for awhile and all had a blast together.  Many manicures and pedicures were given with Em's new salon set, Lego was built, plush pillows created and a few games of NHL '15 were played!

It was a wonderful Christmas and we are so very blessed with time with our wonderful families.  Sending love to those we did not see on Christmas, we are always thinking of everyone during this special time of year.


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