Saturday, December 19, 2015

When time stands still

December has been flying by.  That is until last weekend when it came to screeching halt.  Our world was turned upside down on Saturday night.  My Dad suffered a heart attack.  You never think this type of thing will happen to you or to your people.  It was very scary but the good news is, he was very close to the hospital and was treated extremely quickly.  If we can take any positives from this situation, it is that.  3 stents later, 3 blockages cleared and Dad is home and feeling quite well.  We're so incredibly thankful for our health care system and wonderful dr's and nurses.  Dad received great care and I still can't quite wrap my head around what happened but the bottom line is that he has minimal damage to his heart, is in the best care now and will be back to himself very soon and possibly feeling even better than before!!  We are extra thankful for our health and family this Christmas.  And we love you Dad, so very, very, very much.

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