Sunday, January 3, 2016

Back to school tomorrow :s

It was family date night at the Oilers game on the 29th!!  Blake's been to tons of games, Em's been to a game when she was just a few weeks old and this was Reese's 1st game.  The girls kind of felt it was unfair that Blake got to go to so many Oilers games so we figured we'd better take them to a game!  The game wasn't so great but we all had fun and Reese kept us thoroughly entertained with her dancing and goofiness ;)

Cal and I had a whole 24 hrs to ourselves on Friday/Saturday :)  This is a rare occasion and seems to happen once a year!  I was so excited!  As much as I love my children, some time off is much needed!!  I feel like we never have time off !  We dropped the kids off at my mom and dads around noon on Friday.  They were so excited for a sleepover at Grandma and Grandpa's!!!!  Connor and Mason were at Grandma and Grandpa's also, so they had fun with their cousins on Friday afternoon :)  Cal and I went to a movie, did some shopping and went for dinner after we dropped them off.  The next morning I woke up at 8 am ... I had an entire 8 hrs of uninterrupted sleep.  It was heavenly :)  Everyone met us at Blake's hockey practice on Saturday afternoon and by all accounts they had a wonderful time!!  Thank you Mom and Dad for taking the kids overnight, we all enjoyed ourselves and I know you did too! xoxo

Saturday night we were invited to our friends house, the Costello's.  We had such a great time!!!  The kids all play so well together and we got home at 12:30 am ... REALLY late for out kids!  But they were all having a blast (7 boys and 2 girls!) and the adults were having a great time ;)  It was a super night and we can't wait to do it again!

Back to work and school tomorrow ... It has been such a wonderful Christmas break, I don't really want it to end!  The girls are excited to get back to school and Blake is not so excited ;)  Hopefully they'll be up in time tomorrow morning!!

Talk to you soon!


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