Monday, July 4, 2016

Audrey's soccer!

The girls are really enjoying playing soccer in St. Albert with our friend Audrey, her husband Craig and their 3 children!  Audrey started this little weekly game last year, after a not so successful experience with organized soccer.  We are so glad she decided to start this 'league', as the girls love it!  It has grown so much and sometimes there is upwards of 25 little soccer players participating!!  Each week we take turns bringing a snack, which is often a highlight ;)  The kids do drills for the first 10-15 minutes, play a 40 minute game and finish off with the snack!  Usually after snack time, the kids hit the park for awhile.  It's a very lovely evening with many of our Church friends and a few new friends!  The Anderson's have also been joining us this year, which is great as Max and Blake and Ava and the girls can not get enough of eachother ;)  We have had to miss very few games this year but due to summer vacation, tomorrow will be our last game of 2016.  Reese has probably enjoyed this experience the most out of the 3 kids and has mentioned that she'd like to play indoor soccer this winter, so we will be looking into that!  Both her and Emerson have scored quite a few goals, which has really boosted their confidence!  


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