Friday, September 2, 2016

1-2-4 ... here we go!!

It's back to school 2016. That sure came fast.  I swear as we were walking up to the school doors on Thursday morning, it felt as though we had been gone for 2 days not 2 months.  Summer flew by.  It was a great summer and as sad as I was to see it end, I have to admit I am a little bit excited to get back into our fall/winter routine!  We all crave a little routine in our lives!

The first day of school was September 1st and being that it was a Thursday, it was early dismissal for the kiddo's.  Today was their first full day, so they have been very gently eased into back to school!  Especially with this Monday being a statutory holiday!  The kids are all happy with their teachers.  Reese has Mme. Khair, who was also Blake and Emerson's teacher.  Emerson has Mme. Melissa, who was also Blake's teacher and Blake has a male teacher who is new to our school, M. John.  All summer Blake would talk about how he hopes he has a boy teacher next year.  All summer I kept telling him that the chances of that are slim but you never know.  So needless to say, he was very excited to learn he has M. John this year!!  Emerson is absolutely in love with Mme. Melissa, as I knew she would be!  Melissa is very organized and tidy with the coolest/neatest classroom I have ever laid eyes on!  I knew that Em would appreciate Melissa's classroom and teaching style and so far, so good ;) It's so great to see Emerson so happy with her teacher and with being back to school.  She was definitely the most excited to return to school!  I joked with her that next summer I should put her in summer school, I said maybe she could learn Mandarin or something.  She thought I was serious and thought it was great idea, lol!!  That girl loves to learn!  Reese seems pleased with Grade 1 thus far!  I will see how she is feeling after a four day week next week ;) She's cute as a button with her 'fake' eyeglasses, they sure suit her!

On Thursday after school we picked up lunch and headed to a local park to meet some friends.  The kids played and played and played all afternoon long and were upset when the mom's said it was time to go ;)  We'll fit in as many of these early dismissal park dates as we can, before the snow flies ...

Tonight we had a family date night to celebrate the first few days of school!  We saw the movie Pete's Dragon and went to Blaze Pizza for supper.  The vote for Pete's Dragon wasn't unanimous, it was 4-1, with the 1 wanting to see Kudos 2 Strings but after seeing Pete's Dragon, we all agreed it was the right choice :)  I absolutely loved the movie!!  I don't buy very many movies (like, none) but I think this is one that I want to have in our small collection!  It was fabulous, a must see!  And Blaze Pizza was delicious!  Fun to pick your own toppings and see it being fire-baked right in front of your eyes :)

I returned to work on Thursday morning.  We had an Inclusive Learning team meeting that morning and even though I don't work on Thursday's, I decided to go in.  I'm so glad I did, as it was great to meet the new director and hear some exciting news about the upcoming school year.  Being that I worked 1/2 a day Thursday, I only worked 1/2 a day today.  I'm super happy to be back at work!  I still love my job - I wonder if that will change in a few years but for now I'm enjoying that feeling of satisfaction ;)

I still have some summer updates I want to share, so stay tuned for those!


First day of school - September 1st

Adorable and ready for a new year of adventures!

First day of full-day school and she rocked it ;) (and adorable in her 'fake' glasses!)

Date night!!  Celebrating a great day and a half of back to school for the kids and back to work for me :)  Pete's Dragon was such a great movie and Blaze Pizza was delicious!

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