Friday, November 4, 2016

A Spooktacular time!!

Halloween 2016 was spooktacular!  I love Halloween, it's one of my most favorite celebrations. First up in our Halloween fun was the Crusaders Halloween/Pumpkin Carving Party! We had a great time with our hockey family, enjoying lunch and pumpkin carving!

Next up, for me, was the Bucci Halloween Bash!  This party can be summed up in 1 word - BLAST!!  It was a great time with great people.  I got to the party at 8:30 and was home by midnight!  So funny but it was time to get home ... the hostess with the mostess tends to share a few too many shots with her friends ;)  

These are the treats I made for my work Halloween party and for the kids snacks for Halloween day!

I woke up on the 31st feeling rushed, as I often do on Monday's!  Fortunately I was starting my word day on the northside that day and could take a little extra time to get the kids ready for their day at school!  Em needed face make up and I wanted to make sure all the Halloween costumes and parts were labeled and where they needed to be.  The kids change into their costumes at lunch time on Halloween day but face paint and makeup has to be done in the morning!  Once I was done in my morning class, I headed back to my office for a work party where we had a 'spooky' snack competition, Halloween Jeopardy and a few other contests and games!  Our social committee is pretty awesome ;) My Monster rice krispie squares didn't win but people did enjoy them ;)  After the work party, I rushed off to the kids school for their Halloween parade and dance in the gym!  I love seeing all the costumes and happy kiddo's!!  Reese was super excited to have me in her classroom for part of the afternoon.  I spent some time Blake and Em's classes as well but they weren't quite as excited to have me as the grade 1'er was ;)
After school on the 31st we carved some more pumpkins because our pumpkins from the Crusaders party had rotted and also because we just love carving pumpkins :)

Then it was time for trick or treating!!  Grandma and Grandpa stopped by for a quick pic of the kids as well :) We drove over to the Weaver's neighbourhood and then we all drove back to our neighbourhood!  The kids pillow cases were full and we all had a blast!  Thankfully the weather was great :)  I hope you all had a fun Halloween!

~ Tracy

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