Sunday, January 29, 2017

Weekend sweetness

I'm never 'caught up' on this blog but I just had to log on tonight to write up a short post, because what I'm about to talk about are moments I don't want to EVER forget!

1) At Emerson's ringette game on Saturday, Blake and 2 friends were off running around the rink and playing. At 1/2 time Em's team does a cheer for all the fans in the stands.  Blake actually came back to the stands to do the cheer.  I could tell that Em was so happy to see all her family in the stands and I had to tell Blake that evening that, that was a very nice thing to do for Em.  My momma heart melted!!

2) This afternoon the girls and I went to the movie Moana. There were some very suspenseful moments that had both girls cuddled up to me!  Reese bounced between sitting next to me and sitting next to Emerson. At one point when Reese was next to Emerson, the movie got a little bit scary.  Emerson cuddled over to Reese and Reese rested her head on Em's shoulder.  Em looked at me with a proud look, as if to say, "Look mom, I'm taking care of Reese!" It was sooooo sweet and again, my momma heart melted :)

These 2 moments this weekend had me feeling like a proud parent and smiling ear-to-ear because #parentingwin !!

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