Sunday, April 2, 2017

March was fun!

I have every intention of updating this blog more often but I'll often log on to do so and then lose motivation ;) Which is why I am extremely grateful for the very detailed calendar I keep!!  I can easily look back and remember all the months have entailed!!  And my gazillion iPhone pics also helps!!  So what have the Cameron 5 been up to in March??  Well, let's see ...

- the month started off with Teachers Convention and a trip to Sunridge ski hill for the Cameron's! All 3 kids skied and LOVED it!!  We decided we definitely need to plan a trip to the mountains! 
- We attended the annual Veeteretz Family Fun night!  A night of perogies, sausage, volunteer bartending and dancing!!  One of Em's most favorite nights of the year and this year did not disappoint :)
- I wrapped up my curling lessons!  I learned a lot and am so glad I took these lessons!  I'd love to do more curling in the future!
- lacrosse evaluations began!
- the Crusaders wrapped their playoff run and attended a year end tournament in Millwoods, winning silver and then celebrating on Sunday afternoon with a NERF war wind-up party :)
- The black kittens wrapped up their season at the Sherwood Park Jamboree!
- The blue dragons wrapped up their season with a few more practices and an awesome year end party at Jumpy Things!
- Cal and Blake attended an Oilers vs Bruins game, Blake's 2 favorite teams!!
- We attended Demo of Learning in the kids classrooms and are super proud of their growth and progress this year :) 
- Cal and I went out for St. Patrick's Day for the first time in maybe ever?!  We donned green and had fun with NP friends, listening to Cal's buddy Jerold and his jazz band!
- the end of the month brought Spring Break!!  We were looking forward to this week off for a very long time :) Cal started the week in Victoria and the kids and I relaxed at home and had a few playdates with friends!
- I ended Spring Break with a girls night out - we attended a 90's concert and had a blast!

It was a great month!!


Demo of Learning

Oilers vs Bruins

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Skiing at Sunridge on Teachers Convention

Veeteretz Family fun night!

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