Wednesday, December 13, 2017

An unusual E.R. visit

Well, we can now say we've had to visit the Stollery for one of the oddest reasons. Before I tell the story, can I just say that I am not surprised in the least that this occurred in our family!!!

On Sunday afternoon I washed the girls hair, as Blake had a late hockey game and I didn't want to keep them up any later than we needed to. When they got out of the bathtub, I decided to clean their earrings. And that is when I noticed that something was wrong with Reese's earrings. Upon further inspection, the back of her earrings had grown into her ear??  Not sure how to put it but I think you get the idea. She started to cry a little bit and ask what was wrong and I was pretty surprised but tried to play around with her ears a little bit to see if I could get the backs off. By holding the back and pulling on the front of one of her earrings, I was able to get the back off but on the other side it appeared to be more stuck or grown into the ear. I called Cal in to look and we weren't sure what to do but everyone was getting pretty 'excited' sort to speak ... so I cleared the bathroom and calmed Reese down before trying to pull the back off with tweezers.  I literally pulled as hard as I could and I couldn't get the back off. So off to the Stollery we went! My gosh, like how does this crap happen???!! I felt so bad for Reese, she was very upset but you want to know why she was most upset??  Because she would have to miss Blake's hockey game, miss playing with her bff Gioia and she was also upset that Em was going to the game and would get to play with Gioia!!  lol!!  She cried the whole way to the hospital and kept asking, "Will we be able to go to the game?" I told her maybe we'd make it, maybe if the wait was short. Of course the wait was super long and we didn't make the game :( But she calmed down a bit and was happy to enjoy a pop and 2 bags of chips during the 4 hour wait!!  The extraction was not pretty, when she saw the needle the dr. had to use to freeze her ear she was VERY upset. I tried to hold her down but she managed to get a hand free and the dr. had to remove the needle before her ear was entirely frozen. They tried emla gel but that did not numb the area enough so they tried another kind of topical gel, apparently way stronger than emla and that combined with the freezing was enough that she didn't scream out in pain while the dr. removed the earring back. It was still uncomfortable (and there was a lot of blood) but she managed. He used tweezers to slowly work it free, to protect the skin. We got home at 9:30pm and boy was I ever glad to be home! Poor Reese :( I don't know how that happened but she did tell me that she was scared to lose an earring (a few months ago she lost a favorite earring) so every day she pushed harder and harder on the backs so the earring would be in tight ... I'm guessing that combined with fairly new piercings contributed to the problem. Just another day in the adventures of our home!!

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