Monday, February 25, 2019

Happy 10th birthday, Emerson!!

Emerson is in the double digits!! The big 1-0!! She's been planning this birthday for a long time :) Love that organizational side of her ... hmmmm, where does she get that from?! #minime

We celebrated Emerson's birthday with numerous events, as seems to happen with her birthday!! Lucky girl, lol!! Her ringette team was in the Sweetheart Tournament in Spruce Grove the weekend of her birthday, so we enjoyed a birthday brunch between games at my parents house! We then had somewhat of a last minute dinner with my family at Royal Pizza. It was delicious and so nice to celebrate all the February birthday's in our family, before my Mom and Dad headed down South on vacation! Thank you Mom & Dad!

Due to the ringette tournament, Emerson's friend birthday party was the following weekend, the 22nd. She went back and forth on what to do for her birthday and finally settled for another 'shopping' party at WEM! 7 girls + me took on West Edmonton Mall and had a blast :) She has a nice group of friends and all the girls were so good! They enjoyed spending their gift cards at various stores and finding the best deals!! We had dinner and dessert at Boston Pizza and shopped 'till we dropped. Such a great time, I love this birthday party idea!!

I can't believe our little Em is 10! I remember hearing, "It's a GIRL!" and being so overwhelmingly happy to have a baby girl!! I also remember when Emerson was born, the nurse told me, "This one will be saying her ABC's before she's 1!!" and she wasn't far off! Em's been talking since nearly out of the womb and she hasn't slowed down!! Miss chatty Kathy, you never feel alone or bored in her company. She keeps things interesting and everyone around her on their toes :) We lover her feisty personality, how hard she loves and how she does everything (absolutely everything) full on - there is no half-way with our Emerson! She dedicates 110% to everything she does and expects top results!! It can be hard to live this way, as you can't always be right, you can't always score 100% on everything and you can't always win all the games! But with this drive, you can always say you've done your best and you do always get better and stronger and smarter :) And that's our Em!! Always reaching for the stars :) Love her to death and love to watch her soar and reach for the sky! Thanks for being our little helper, Em. Always willing to led a helping hand, so organized and full of common sense and intelligence! You are an amazing big and little sister when you want to be and Reese's bff most of the time :) You're going places, sweetie and we are just along for the ride!! Happy 10th birthday, xoxoxoxo

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