Saturday, November 30, 2019


On the 1st Reese had a fun night a the waterpark with her friend Alexa! It was a fundraiser for Alexa's soccer club. Whenever those two are together, they have a blast!!

Blake started off November with another volleyball tournament. He's really enjoying playing volleyball and we enjoy watching and cheering! He's made new friends on the team which is awesome! Emerson has affiliated with the A team a few more times and is enjoying that :) 

On the 6th was Blake's first ever parent teacher interviews for jr high! They went very well and I left feeling very proud of him and how well he seems to be adjusting to jr high life and school :)

Over the past few months I've been involved in hiring a new minister for our Church. It has been a really intersting process, I am glad I was asked to sit on the committee. I feel bad because we are rarely able to attend Church, it seems every Sunday morning we have ringette. But I am grateful to be involved and we selected a really awesome candidate so hopefully we will make it there soon!! Her convenating service was on the 3rd.

Emerson and I were very excited for her first bus trip with her ringette team but sadly it was cancelled due to the weather :( I am a co-manager on her team so we were sad the trip was cancelled and also sad that all our hard work was cancelled!! We coordinated meals and the bus ride with the other Edmonton 12B team. So instead of getting up at 4 am and riding to Fort Mac for 2 ringette games, we slept in and spent some time at the dog park with the fam!! We love our dog park visits, Quinn has so much fun, you can't help but smile and love the experience!!

On the 11th we paid respect to those who have served and are serving our country. Reese's Girl Guide unit participated in a Remembrance Day ceremony at Greishbach. We were all able to attend and although it was a cold day, we were so glad we could show are thanks and respect by participating in the ceremony.

On the 14th we celebrated my birthday with cake before bed as it was game day for Blake and Emerson!!

On the 15th Reese and I headed to Lacombe for a ringette tournament. We stayed at the hotel in Red Deer with her team on Friday night and drove back home for Saturday night. Sunday the played in final, later in the day so we were able to drive down without leaving Edmonton too early! Reese had so much fun with her team and they played so well!! And this weekend was the debut of their team mascot - a dinosaur!! Some of the older sisters on the team dressed up in one of those blow up dinosaur costumes, it was so funny and awesome!!

Blake began basketball tryouts on the 19th, which more importanly was Reese's 9th birthday!! Luckily, Reese had a field trip to TWOS and Grandma D was able to volunteer :) They had fun and Grandma even brought Reese Subway for a birthday lunch!! 

On the 22nd Reese and 3 of her friends all wore the same outfit for 'Twin' Day at school! There were super cute with their matching tshirts, scrunchies and leggings!! That evening was Reese's 9th birthday party. We attended a movie (Frozen 2 - so good!), had dinner at BP's and then she had two friends sleep over :) They had so much fun, of course little sleep was had!!

On the 24th was the Lancers Christmas Party. They mini-golfed, had a pizza party at a teammates parents pub (Sherlock Holmes in WEM) and exchanged gifts. They did a funky tie and funky sock exchange, which was a lot of fun! Before the party started, the team met at London Drugs to hand in their 'Stocking Stuffers for Seniors' gift bags. Thanks to the Lancers generosity, 17 seniors will have a gift to open on Christmas morning!

On the 27th we got our flu shots - not so fun but necessary IMO :)

On the 28th I volunteered at the book fair at the girls school and they had demo of learning that evening. This is always such a treat to have them show us their classrooms and what they have been working. We always leave so proud of them and the students they are working hard to be.

And that was our November!! We're excited to start decorating for Christmas and really looking forward to the Christmas break!! Talk to ya in December!!

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