Tuesday, February 5, 2008

9 Months Old Today!!

Happy 9 month birthday Blake!! It is hard to believe 9 months have passed since Blake was born. So much has changed! I do miss my little baby who was so tiny in my arms, but Blake definately became a lot more "fun" as he grew! I remember a friend of mine telling me when Blake was 5 months old that this is the age that they start becoming more fun to play with. At the time I thought whatever, I don't want my baby to grow up! But now I see it was true and I love playing with him, teaching him new things and helping him learn. It's amazing how fast he picks up on what you're showing him!! I've noticed lately that he is into placing objects on top of eachother. He very rarely lets go of the object, but yesterday he actually stacked one cube on top of the other! It almost brought tears to my eyes! LOL! He's also big into turning the pages of the book you're reading to him and he loves the CD's we have from the library!! Today before Baby Laptime we had Blake's 9 month pediatrician appointment. Everything went great! Blake now weighs 18 lbs 2 oz (10th percentile) and measures 28" (50th percentile). The doctor commented (once again!) on how strong Blake is and what a happy guy he is! I asked about weaning Blake and got the go ahead to wean him to homo milk when the time comes so I won't have to worry about formula, which I'm glad about. Blake's meeting and exceding all the milestones for his age, which surprised me somewhat because he isn't crawling. But Dr. Radisic said Blake may not crawl or he may not crawl long before walking! My parents told me that I didn't really crawl, just walked so maybe he'll take after me! Although I walked at 8 months so he's behind me!! LOL! The car seat Blake is currently in is safe until he is 29" so I think we're going to switch him to the "big" one soon. There's a car seat clinic at the fire station near our house on Saturday so hopefully we'll make it to that and get it properly and safely into the vehicle. That's the other thing - with the smaller car seat we were able to easily use it in both vehicles because we had two bases, but with the big one it's not so easily transferred! So we're thinking about getting another one. But anywho that's what new with us! Hope you are all well!!! Take care :)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ry says "Hi Blake"
We have two car seats, it is so much nicer, and it saves a lot of fights!! Because neither of us wanted to shift them back and forth. Dave's parents gave us money to get her one for easter so we figured we have one free we might as well buy another and save the headache, I think we would have ended up doing it anyway.
Sounds like all is going well with u guys we are good, I can't wait to finish babysitting it is turning into a bit of a headache with two two year olds but I will survive these next couple weeks and then its just me and Ry again, I think she is pretty excited about that too.
Love ya and love hearing about Blake