Monday, March 31, 2008

Can't Believe It!!

Wow! Today I took Blake to the day home at 10 and picked him up at 12:30. When I got there Karen took him and put him down to play in the playroom. I came in to look at the new playroom and he was busy playing with the Little People garage! I thought, well I better go now while he's having fun and playing. So I left, got in my car and backed out of the drive way!! Once I backed out of the driveway I got all teary!!! We've left him at my Mom and Dad's but that is different. This was a big step! He's growing up :( Anyways, I did a few errands and then met my Mom for lunch. I called Karen at 11:30 to see how he was doing and she said he was great. He hadn't cried or fussed or anything, he was just playing and watching the other kids!! Then when I got there at 12:30 I walked in and he was facing the other way playing and I said, "Hey buddy!" He looked at me and smiled a huge grin and kept right on playing!!! He's so comfortable there, it's awesome! The only problem was that he wouldn't take his bottle before lunch, but she said he ate his lunch well and that she thinks he just wanted to be with the other kids because he kept sitting up and pointing to them and trying to get out of her lap! So that's not a big deal, I'm sure he'll get used to it and take it eventually. It's a huge relief that he was so good and happy there! Karen said he did look around a bit, like he was looking for me. She said we've obviously done a great job because he's so secure and content! That was a nice compliment!!! I like to thing we've done a good job so far :) Anyways, it makes it way easier to leave him knowing he's happy and having fun! But I was a bit surprised that he didn't fuss at all! Oh dear, my little man is not so little anymore ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well Tracy it only gets harder first you have to leave them at daycare and before you know it you are leaving them at school, then in a blink of a eye you are putting them on a plane to europe. Yes they grow up in a hurry. But sounds like you have choose a good daycare that woman knows all the right things to say to Mom as well as the kids ha ha.
love you guys auntie Kathy