Thursday, April 17, 2008

Loving 2 Days a Week!!

Yeah, I think I could get used to working 2 days a week!! LOL! Too bad it's not going to last for long ... Actually I was thinking today that 3 days a week would be perfect! We'll see how 4 days goes. Blake and I are hanging out at home today. I took him to the doctor on Tuesday because I thought his cold was getting pretty bad. I just wanted to make sure he didn't have bronchitis or croup or something because his cough at night was very "barky". Well it turns out he has an ear infection. Poor little guy :( So he is on antibiotics for 10 days. He's sleeping better now and doesn't have the terrible cough, but is still soooo... stuffed up!! Hopefully it clears up soon! Wednesday was another good day. He was an angel at the day home and I had a great day at work. I found out the O.T. I work most closely with is leaving us at the end of June. I was sad to hear that, because she is fantastic! Her family is moving to Australia for 2 years!! It sounds like an awesome idea but I'm not sure if I'd have the nerve to do it! Her girls are 16 and 14. When she told me, I thought to myself, wow that's something I'd like to do! But realistically I'm not sure if I could leave my family for that long!!! So anyways, beginning in July I'll be working with a new O.T. I really hope they find someone as experienced and "good" as this one! We haven't been out on our bikes yet, but as soon as Blake is feeling better we'll take them for a spin! I'm really excited about his new bike trailer/jogging stroller combo! It's supposed to be cold this weekend unfortunately. We don't have too many plans. We were supposed to go to a 2 yr birthday party but the little guy has the flu so it's postponed. I think we're going to do some shopping. Blake's growing out of his clothes and we really need a 2nd car seat for Cal's truck!! Have a great weekend everyone :)

Luv Tracy

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