Sunday, February 8, 2009

40 Weeks :)

So today is due day! What's that mean anyways?! Who has a baby on their due day? (I guess I've known a few lucky ladies!!)

We went to the hospital this morning for a non-stress test and baby is doing great. I am finally feeling good and it's been over 24 hrs so I think I'm in the clear!!! (I'm knocking on wood right now!) Blake came with us to the hospital this morning. We thought it was a good idea for him to see the hospital and then hopefully when he visits when the baby is born he'll recognize it and be fine!

I have a Dr. appointment tomorrow afternoon so I'll let ya know if anything is new!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow any day!! I had Ry on her due date but Austin made me wait!! Glad you are all feeling better. I think Megs has the flu and Austin has a rattely cough but he sounds fine otherwise and doesn't cough to often in a day so I don't know what is going on with him. Hopefully nothing and it clears up quick. Good Luck Thinking about you guys!