Tuesday, May 12, 2009

2 Year Check-Up

Blake had his 2 year check-up this morning. He weighs 32 1/2 lbs (90th percentile) and is 35" tall (75th percentile). So he's doing great and is a bit bigger than most kids his age!!

I was glad we had a Dr. appointment this morning, because last night Blake had a fever (38.7 C). Tylenol and Motrin brought it down, but he didn't have a great sleep. Then again this morning he had a fever (39.9 C). Tylenol and Motrin brought it down again, but I was quite concerned. We thought he most likely had an ear infection, but Dr. Radisic checked his ears, his chest, his tonsils, his throat, etc. and said all is well! He said the fever may be the baby measles or a bacterial infection in his blood. If it's the measles he will break out in a rash in a few days. The only way to confirm if it's a bacterial infection in his blood is to do a blood count, which requires a blood test. But, he said we could start him on antibiotics and if he breaks out in a rash, then we'll know it's the measles and he didn't need the antibiotics. I said I'd rather do that, then take him to get poked!! So we'll start him on the antibiotics today. I'd never heard of this type of blood infection, but apparently it can occur in children ages 18 - 36 months. I'm going to do a bit more research online!! So it's not great that he may have either of these two illnesses, but I am glad he doesn't have an ear infection :) That's almost 2 months without one!

Hope the rest of your week is great! I'm sure everyone is looking forward to the long weekend!!

Luv Tracy


Gerry and Lesley said...

I hope little Blake is feeling better very soon! Hopefully you'll figure out what exactly it is in no time. Give the kids a big kiss and hug for me, please!

Tina Schell said...

Feel better soon Blake! xoxo