Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Today I Am 2 Years Old!

Hi everyone!

Today is my 2nd birthday! Mom thought I should write a little email to let everyone know what I'm up to these days!

A lot has changed since my last email 1 year ago. Mom says I'm much more a "little man" now! I understand so much more than 1 year ago. And it's so much easier to let people know what I want and need - I just say it! People are usually quite impressed by my vocabulary. Mom calls me a parrot! But that's how I learn! I surprise Mom and Dad all the time with new words and even sentences. I'm starting to learn colors too. My favourite color is orange and I can point it out all the time! I also know blue really well too! Mom and Dad are very impressed by my memory. There is no fooling me and sometimes I even remember things Mom can't! Some of the other things I enjoy doing are reading books, coloring, building towers with my Mega Blocks, doing puzzles and dancing! I like to point out animals and things in books, around town when we're driving and everywhere we go! I also love to play hockey and pass the ball around with anyone who will play with me. And I like to throw a ball around too! Maybe I'll play hockey and baseball like Dad did when he was little!

Apparently I am 100% boy! My Mom says that's because I'm a little monkey climbing everything and jumping off of things and I want to be outside all the time and love wasting time in the garage! I like helping Grandpa and Dad fix things. Just the other day we fixed Mom's brakes. And then when we went for brunch the next day I checked out some cars in the parking lot to make sure their brakes were okay. Everyone thought that was really funny!!

I can not wait for camping season to begin. Dad brought home our trailer the other day and I already have my bed pulled out! Speaking of beds, I moved to what Mom and Dad call my "big boy bed" a few weeks ago. It's pretty cool! And now I can reach my light switch in my room! Hee, hee, hee ... I can turn my light on whenever I want (even when I should be sleeping)! I can open doors now too, but so far I haven't snuck out of my room!

And the biggest news of all this past year is that I am a Big Brother!! My little sister was born in February. Mom and Dad think I'm a very good big brother. I like to help them and sometimes I even get to help carry and hold Emerson! Emerson loves it when I talk to her - she smiles lots!! I was really glad Mom had a month and a half off with just me and her at home before the baby was born. Mom was glad too! And now Mom's home with us both for who knows how long! We're having fun, that's for sure. Last week I started "My First Preschool" at the YMCA. We do crafts, sing songs, read books and play. I'm also taking swimming lessons again with Dad.

At the end of February I weighed 28 lbs and was 34 1/2" tall. I'm sure at my 2 year check up next week I'll be bigger!! Mom and Dad say all that food has to go somewhere. Apparently they're worried about their grocery bill when I'm a teenager!?

Well, I hope everyone is doing really good. It was good talking to ya' and hopefully I'll see you before I'm 3!

Hugs and Kisses,

1 comment:

The Schell Family said...

Happy Birthday Blake! Hope your day was filled with lots of love and laughter!