Thursday, July 9, 2009

Little Miss Chatty!!!

I've begged for rain for a month straight, it has finally arrived, and now I'd like it to go away!! I think we have enough to last us for a week or so?! Our grass is green, our flower beds are beautiful, and hopefully the farmer's fields are happy!!

We had a great weekend! Lindsay and Jeremy were home. They spent the night on Thursday, so Blake was very happy to see Uncle Jeremy on Friday morning! He's always asking about Jeremy, it's quite cute! We had a fun day with my Mom and Lindsay on Friday, went for dinner with the whole crew Friday evening and then I went to My Sister's Keeper with Mom and Linds Friday night. It was a very, very, very sad movie! But pretty good! It didn't follow the book completely, but they still managed to do a good job. On Saturday we went to Stony for a BBQ and Blake had a look at his new bed at Grandma and Grandpa's! Monday was our first Aquababies class. Emerson and I enjoyed the class. My legs were actually sore on Tuesday! The kids and I met Lesley and Colby on Wednesday. We visited E-children and then went for lunch. It was nice to see them and catch up!! After lunch Blake asked about a trillion times, "What's Auntie Lesley and Colby doing?"!

So getting back to the title of the blog, Emerson is a little chatterbox these days! Recently she's began whole conversations with her hands! LOL! She stares at her hand and "talks" to it! So funny!!! She's also recognized her feet and enjoys kicking them up and catching a glance of her pretty lil' toes! Maybe I'll have to paint them for her :) She's rocking a lot on her back and has turned onto her side, but hasn't rolled over yet. I must admit we've been a bit negligent with tummy time. We're trying to remember to put her on her tummy for a little bit each day, but pretty much the only time we can do that is right when she wakes up. Otherwise she spits up tons!! Dr. Radisic said that when she starts eating solids, the reflux will most likely settle down. She'll be 5 months next week, so 1 more month and then we'll start rice cereal. Where is the time going??!

I took Blake to his swimming lessons on Wednesday and was quite surprised at how brave he is now! He loves jumping off the side of the pool into the water and puts his all into it! Last time I took him to a lesson I held his hands and he gingerly "jumped" into the pool, so I noticed quite a change. Blake is such a man of routine, it's quite funny. At the pool he was annoyed with me. I guess I didn't follow the usual routine Cal does when he takes him to swimming lessons! I didn't take him in the hot tub before or after swimming lessons, I tried to get him to lay down to put his diaper on (apparently he stands on the bench) and I only gave him 1 snack! He is definitely a "place for everything and everything in it's place" kinda guy!! Hmmm ... wonder where he gets that from?! Blake's imagination is very vivid! The other morning when he woke up I went into his room and he told me there was a dinosaur in his bed?! I was worried he was going to start scaring himself seeing all these dinosaurs and bunnies all over the place, so I started acting like they are all friendly, cuddly dinosaurs and bunnies! But that morning he said it wasn't a friendly dinosaur, so I told him that if it wasn't friendly you can tell it to leave your bed!! Where does this imagination come from? I guess it's just part of growing up, but it's really amazing how it develops! Sometimes we have a very hard time not laughing at some of the things he tells us!

I'm going to the Taylor Swift/Kenny Chesney concert tonight!! I'm SO excited! It's going to be SO awesome!! Hopefully Emerson will be a good little girl for Cal :) Last night I went for a spray on tan. I was hoping to get one for Lindsay's wedding, so thought I'd try it out first. I'm not sure I'd do it again. I think I look a bit orangey! LOL!

This weekend Cal, Emerson and I are attending a wedding near Drayton Valley. Blake is going to hang out with Grandma and Grandpa and we're all going to stay overnight there Saturday night! Cal's off Monday, so we'll all be going to Aquababies! Wednesday evening we're taking Heidi to a kennel and Thursday morning we're leaving for Saskatchewan with the trailer behind us! I'm really looking forward to our family reunion. It's my Dad and his brothers, sisters, inlaws, etc. year to plan, so we'll be doing some work, but it will be lots of fun! Blake will have a blast running around with the other kids! We're back from the reunion Monday (20th) evening.

Have a great weekend everyone :)

xoxo The Cameron's

1 comment:

Gerry and Lesley said...

I love it when babies start to chat! And when they notice hands and feet, it's priceless! Emerson is such a little princess... so adorable!! I loved hearing Blake talk up a storm at our shopping and lunch date! He is quite the little man! Glad you enjoyed the concert and are looking forward to the reunion! You'll have such a great time!