Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy Birthday Emerson!

Happy Birthday to our sweet baby girl! You have brought so much joy to our lives, and so many others around you. Your big grin lights up our lives and we can not imagine life without you.

Your brother adores you and the two of you playing together, giggling and laughing together and seeing you smiling when he smiles and vice versa is one of the best things in our day!! Blake giving you hugs and kisses and telling you, "Goodnight Ms. Muffin/Ms. Blueberry/Missy (or whatever nickname he decides to use that day!)!" melts our hearts. Tonight he put his forehead to yours and you smiled a big grin :) I hope you can grow up best of friends.

Thank you for all your cuddles and hugs :) I love watching you snuggle into your Daddy's shoulder ... it is so sweet and the look on his face is pure love. Last night when I put you to bed, I shed a few tears, but they were happy tears. I try hard to remember you and your brother as itty bitty babies, but sometimes it's hard. And that is why the camera may be the best invention known to man kind!

Your first year has gone by unbelievably fast. I loved you so much even before you were born, but at the same time I wondered how my heart could stretch to fit this new little baby. But it has and what an amazing feeling that is. We love you Em and can't wait to experience your 2nd year with you.

xoxo Mom, Dad and Blake

1 comment:

Gerry and Lesley said...

Awe, I totally got teary-eyed reading this!! It sums up so well what parents think of their little teeny ones! Thank you... and happy birthday, little girl! (Notice I didn't say 'baby girl' anymore? I kind of have a habit of doing that, even when they're 2 years old!!)