Baby and I had an ultrasound on Wednesday! All is well and NO we don't know the sex!! And we're not lying!! I didn't even see a hint either way ;) Blake, Cal and Emerson joined me in the room after the medical portion of the ultrasound was over. Blake enjoyed watching the screen and seeing his new sibling, Em wasn't as excited!! I remember taking Blake to see Em's ultrasound when he was around Em's age and he actually pointed to the screen and said baby!! On Wednesday morning I told Blake and Em that we were going to see the baby that afternoon. Blake furrowed his brow and looked at me and then continued on playing. About 5 minutes later he said to me, "Mom, are we going to take the new baby camping?" I think he thought the baby was going to be born that afternoon!!! If only it were that easy ... lol!! I told him that the baby isn't going to be born until November and that we were just going to see a picture of the baby that afternoon!! He is so into this whole baby thing, it's awesome! He's always mentioning the new baby and wondering where it will sleep, where it's car seat will go, what car seat it will use, etc, etc! I love how he's a little planner!! Wonder where he gets that from?! We got quite a few pictures of the little one printed, here is the clearest one:
I'm feeling the baby move a lot now, which is really cool! I can't wait until I feel big pokes and prods :) This will probably be my last pregnancy, so I'm trying to treasure it! Other then the puking and nausea, hard to treasure that ... lol! Although when I was sick with Blake's pregnancy I was still so over the moon and so happy to just be pregnant, I oddly enough enjoyed every minute!! Every time I was sick, I'd think to myself, "This is great! Means the baby is growing and doing well!!" But the 3rd time around, it's not so great. Ha, ha!! I think Cal and I might actually have a boys name picked?! Maybe ... at least were close! Girls first names ... not so close! It's so hard the third time! Actually it's hard the 1st and 2nd too, but even harder the 3rd!! I have a Dr. appointment Monday, so we'll see what the babies heart beat is! Next week I'm 20 weeks!!!!
We are excited to get away this weekend!! We're headed to Long Lake Provincial Park, near Boyle, AB. My parents, sister (Jeremy's away on a fly-in fishing trip with co-workers), friends Paul and Mary Scott and Paul's son and daughter-in-law, Gerry and Lorraine will be joining us! They have 2 younger children, so I'm sure Blake and Em will enjoy having some little playmates :) The forecast is saying the temps will be in the mid 20's, so hopefully we'll be hitting the beach!! Cal hooked the trailer up last night and pulled it to the side of the house. When Blake saw this, this a.m. he was EXTREMELY upset :( He was so sad that he didn't get to help Dad hook up the trailer. Poor guy! We assured him he could help once we got to the campground, when we leave the campground and when we get home again :) I think that made him feel a little bit better. He really loves helping Cal! His special job is cranking the jacks down, and he does a pretty good job of it too!! Poor little guy can be so emotional. I hate that things like this that seem so "small" seem to break his heart :(
Thanks for all the comments on the "new blog look"!! I love it! Cal and Blake love orange and there's a little pink in there for Em and I ;) Have fun celebrating all the wonderful Dad's in your life this weekend and enjoy the sun :)
Cal, Tracy, Blake, Emerson and Baby
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