Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Still Busy ...

Not that, that will change anytime soon!  But the past few weeks have been busier then usual!

Last Saturday our day started out with Blake and I going to an apparel fitting in Sherwood Park with Blake's hockey team.  Cal gets a free track suit for coaching and we bought Blake a t shirt and toque with his hockey club's logo.  The track suits, hoodies, jackets, etc. were too big for the Initiation kids.  Cal took Em to swimming and we met at home for lunch.  Then Cal and Blake were off to hockey!  Blake is improving with each ice team and is having more and more fun :)  Emerson and I haven't seen him play in awhile, because their permanent ice time is 1:15 to 2:15 and that is during Em's nap.  One day we might let Emerson miss a nap ... although it likely won't be worth it!  Emerson missing her nap = very grouchy girl!!  My Mom said she would stay with Em one day so I can go watch him and I'm sure Em won't mind ;)

Sunday we woke up, got ready and headed to the U of A Hospital to see Cal's Grandpa Alstad.  He was flown to the U of A on Friday, due to heart problems.  It was very nice to see him, Grandma Alstad and Uncle Allan.  Grandpa and Allan hadn't met Emerson yet, so it was nice for them to see her.  From what we hear, it sounds like Grandpa will have a pace-maker put in, which will hopefully solve his heart issues and he will be on his way home to Grande Prairie.  He looked great on Friday.  From the first day I met Cal's Grandpa, I've kind of had a soft spot for him!!  I really enjoy his sense of humour and personality!  Get well soon Grandpa, we're praying for you :)

Sunday evening I was at Joelle's for a 4 hour meeting ... !  Thank goodness I was in good company!!  Preparing the Association Financial Statement is always painful!!  Although our new treasurer is fantastic, so next year's statement should be a breeze!  The Therapy Assistant Association of Alberta is hosting our 5th Annual AGM and Education Day on Saturday, so I've been attending a lot of extra meeting and putting in a lot of extra hours preparing for the big day.  I'll be glad when it's over.  It's always a great day, but so much work!!

I didn't work on Monday.  One of the benefits to being casual ... you can say no!!  I had a lot of running around to do and actually got a lot accomplished!  Cal took the kids out in the morning and it was so much faster running errands by myself.  Monday evening I met 5 of my old coworkers (from Allen Gray) for dinner.  It was great to catch up and dinner was delicious!  We went to the Blue Plate Diner.

Today was an exciting day for Blake!  His first ever school field trip!  His preschool class went to Prairie Gardens and Adventure Farms.  I was a parent volunteer and really enjoyed myself!!  Blake had a blast and loved riding the school bus to and from!!  The kids enjoyed the petting zoo, a puppet show, a bale maze, a hay wagon ride and even got to bring home a pumpkin and a cookie :)  Blake and his friend Adam were joined at the hip all day and when Blake got off the bus he told me that Adam couldn't come to our house this afternoon.  I was confused, but Adam's Dad informed me that on the bus ride home Blake and Adam had arranged a play date at our house!!!  How cute!!!  Unfortunately Adam wasn't able to come this afternoon ;)  Grandma D stayed with Emerson while Blake and I were on the field trip.  They had a great day, walking to Second Cup for a "special" coffee and Em was quite excited to see a fire truck and firemen on the ride home.  My Mom said one of the firemen reached out to give her five and she gave him what we call a pound!!!  LOL!  I guess he thought it was pretty funny!!  When Blake and I got home, my Uncle Warren, Auntie Cherie and Jinx were visiting and they had brought Blake a scooter!  It didn't take him long to figure it out!! 

Tomorrow I had 2 lunch dates planned, cancelled 1 and now I've cancelled the other :(  I'm going to take the kids to their pediatrician.  Blake's been "sick" for almost 4 weeks now.  He was on Amoxicillin for 10 days (throat and bladder infection), on nothing for 1 week and has now been on Biaxin for almost 10 days (ear infection).  He doesn't seem to be getting much better, both his ears are bright red (mostly in the evenings) and his nose is running like crazy.  Last night Cal thought he had a fever and tonight again he's feeling warm.  One good thing is that he's not complaining about his ears hurting.  Emerson was on Amoxicillin for 10 days (ear infection) and still has a runny nose and a bit of a cough.  So I would just feel better if Dr. Radisic took a look at them.  I seriously don't trust these medi-centre Dr.'s, but sometimes that's the quickest route!  I also have a bit of a cold and sore throat, but hopefully it won't amount to much.

Thursday Blake's preschool class is going swimming.  He's really looking forward to it!  If they hadn't had a field trip today, he would have been swimming today too.  They swim 1 week out of every month.  I have a Sweet Momma massage tomorrow night (YAY!!) and a Dr. appointment on Thursday afternoon.  I'll find out the results of the test I had on Friday.  I'm not feeling too good about it, but on the other hand I'm almost 37 weeks pregnant, so I'm not sure at this point in time what can be done if I do have high blood sugar?  I don't think I eat a lot of sugar?!  But I have been trying to be more conscious of my sugar intake since finding out my sugars were high a few weeks ago.  I haven't gained much weight at all.  I've had 3 ultrasounds and all 3 times they've said the baby is "average" weight, so hopefully they're right!!  Our doula, Fiona said there is a 1 to 1 1/2 lb margin of error in guessing a babies weight through ultrasound and since Blake was 6 lbs 13 oz and Emerson was 6 lbs 11 oz, I'm thinking that even if this baby is bigger it shouldn't be much more then 8 lbs ... right?!  Here's hoping!  We're still struggling with names.  I hope our child will be named as soon as it's born ...

Blake and Emerson are still doing alright in their shared room.  We've had some "bad" nights though.  Mostly consisting of Emerson waking up to Blake talking in his sleep or moaning in his sleep and taking a long time to fall back asleep.  I would almost prefer if she were to cry and scream vs. the cheerful talking and singing she does! 

We've been blessed with beautiful fall weather and here's hoping it continues into November!!  Take care everyone, have a great rest of your week.

Love Tracy

1 comment:

Gerry and Lesley said...

I think you're going to be 'still busy' for a long time with two toddlers and a newborn on the way. :) Crazy to think you're going to have 3 children soon!! Glad to hear you're feeling ok and the sugar test is all fine now. Sounds like Blake is loving preschool and Em is enjoying her time with just you too :)
Would love to get together soon...