Labour was fast and done without any drugs!! I had braxton hicks off and on for the past few days and wasn't sure at first if what I was feeling Friday evening was more of those or true contractions, but by 8 pm I knew it was the real deal!! Fiona came over around 10 pm and my parents came in from Stony to stay with the kids. Cal, Fiona and I headed to the hospital around 10:30. The drive there was painful, enduring those contractions sitting down!!! When I got to the hospital they rushed me in, checked me and I was 6 cm dilated. Then not too much longer, at 11:38 pm our baby was born! Cal called my Mom soon after we got to the hospital to tell her the baby would probably be born soon and she rushed over, but was parking her car when Reese was born ... Reese was just too fast ;) Our doula, Fiona was AMAZING and I would never have another baby with out her. I had a great experience and continue to rely on Fiona for help!! She's been here a few times to help me with bf'ing and I'm not sure what I would do without her :)
Reese is a sweet baby girl! She has such a quiet cry, much like I remember Blake's being! A lot of people have told us they think she looks like Cal, I can see it too and I also think she looks like Blake and a bit like Em :) Reese was born in caul ... you can google it, it's quite an interesting read and too much to get into on the blog!! Just before Reese was born the nurses assured me they were trained to deliver the baby not too worry, but Dr. Ching did get there in time to catch Reese!!! Dr. Ching and all the nurses were so awesome, once again. I love the Sturgeon :) They're all so accommodating and kind!! We were discharged Saturday afternoon. Reese has a very tiny little mouth, a short tongue and a recessed chin, which has made nursing a bit more challenging as compared to nursing Blake and Em. But we're working on it and getting it done! So far Reese likes to sleep the most during the day, but last night we had a good 4 hour sleep, which was really nice. This afternoon she slept for 6 hours, so I'm thinking that was her long stretch of the day and we'll be up every few hours tonight!! That's okay though, we'll let her adjust to her world before I start trying to turn her around!! Plus, she's so little and cuddly, I just love how she curls into me and cuddles, so I could do that all night :)
I'm feeling great! Not too sore, just tired. But that's to be expected ... especially when you don't sleep when baby is sleeping! I'm so glad Cal is home for a few weeks and so are Blake and Em! Tomorrow he's taking them to Preschool and Come Play With Me, so hopefully Reese and I will sleep!! It's nice that Cal gets cuddle time with Reese in the evenings when the other 2 are in bed. He's such a great Dad, we're all very lucky.
Thank you to everyone for all your phone calls, visits (and visits to come!), emails, FB messages, etc! We're pretty smitten with our little family and are very happy to share our adorable kidlets with you all :)
Lots of love,
Cal, Tracy, Blake, Emerson and Reese
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