Thursday, December 23, 2010

I guess weight gain is good when you're young, not at my age ;)

Reese had 2 Dr. appt.'s this week.  1 on Monday and 1 today.  On Monday she weighed in at 7 lbs 10 oz.  Her Pediatrician was not happy with the rate at which she was gaining weight and asked us to come back in today.  In the mean time I was to continue feeding her every 3 hrs in the day time and every 4 hrs at night (that is 3 hrs from the start of 1 feeding to the start of the next, not 3 hrs from the end of a feeding to the start of a feeding!).  Today Reese weighed 7 lbs 13 oz and Dr. Radisic was happy :)  And therefore, so are we!!!  She's gaining on average 20.6 grams per day and Dr. Radisic says the normal rate of gain for a newborn is 20 to 30 g per day, so she's in that range now.  Thank goodness!! 

I'm really glad this issue has arose with my 3rd child and not my 1st.  I find it insane how as soon as your newborn isn't gaining weight fast enough (according to the growth charts) people start suggesting formula feeding.  Every single book you read, advertisement you see for formula, medical professional you talk to, the World Health Organization, etc, etc advises that breastfeeding your baby is the best possible thing you could do for both your health and your babies.  But instead of referring a Mom to a lactation consultant, a lactation physician, a Le Leche League, etc, etc they start talking about introducing formula.  Of course as soon as you introduce formula your milk supply decreases and unless you are extremely dedicated and diligent the chances of you continuing bfing are very slim.  I don't mean to insult anyone by voicing my opinion, I was a formula fed baby, my husband was and millions of others are or were and we're all healthy, happy, intelligent beings!!!  I'm not anti-formula feeding, I just feel that babies and Moms should be given the best possible care and advice available and I really don't feel they are (at least here in Edmonton and area, I can't speak for the rest of the world!).  You're kind of set up to fail from the beginning ... with not much support surrounding you.  Which, once again, leads me to mention Fiona (again!!)!  She has been absolutely fabulous with this whole Reese not gaining much weight issue!  She is a Le Leche League leader and her knowledge has been invaluable.  I'm so, so, so glad we have her on our team :)  Another reason to hire a Doula - your chances of successfully bfing are greatly increased!!  Cal and I felt all along that Reese was fine and I guess our parenting instincts were right. 

Reese is more and more aware and active each day and is starting to coo and "talk" more, which is really, really cute!  She's also more aware of her surroundings and turning towards noises and voices.   It's nice to see her waking up a little more!!  She loves looking at the lights on the Christmas tree and automatically turns towards the t.v. when it's on!

Cal is off work now for almost 2 weeks, he goes back on Jan. 5th.  The kids and I are very excited to have him home again :)  We're pretty much ready for Christmas.  A few more gifts to wrap and some cookies to bake and we're good to go!  Too bad it's all over so fast ... kind of reminds me of your wedding day!  You blink and it's over and all you have are the wonderful memories ;) 

A huge congratulations to my Mom who accepted a contract position with Volunteer Alberta today!!  So happy for you Mom, congrats :)

Enjoy your last minute Christmas preparations everyone!!  I wanted to wait until we had Reese's birth announcements, to mail everything out together (Christmas letter and Christmas picture with the announcement), but the announcements were "lost" by UPS.  They were supposed to be here my Dec. 21.  ARGH!  I should have just stuck with my original plan and sent out Happy New Year letter's and pics.  Oh well I suppose :S  Watch your mailboxes in the New Year for our late greetings!!!


1 comment:

Jessica said...

So happy Reese is gaining now! I've heard nothing but good things about Fiona and I'm hoping we can meet her at an LLL meeting one of these days. And you hit alot of nails on the head on this one. I think pretty much the same thing :)
Happy to hear you guys had a great Christmas!