Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Life ...

IS GOOD!!  I don't often put that in writing, I'm kind of superstitious ;)  But, really I can't (or shouldn't!) complain!  The kids are so good!  Minor illnesses aside, we are all doing great! 

Cal is working O.T. at work and home!!  He brings his laptop home most evenings and works when the kids are in bed and I'm doing Cameron's Closet business or things around the house!  I'm glad his career is so flexible, it is really great for our family.  I don't think we'd have 3 kids so close together, if that wasn't the case!!!  He's just as busy at home, taking the "big kids" to their activities!  They all have a lot of fun though and enjoy special time with Dad in the evenings and on the weekends :)

Speaking of Cameron's Closet - business is booming!!  I think I could be as busy as I want to be!  Our storage room is pretty much full now though, so I won't be taking anymore clothes until these are cleared out ;)  I'm really enjoying this undertaking and love that I can work when I want to and/or when I have time!  I've also enjoyed all the new people I've met :)   

Emerson is doing well.  She has a minor ear infection right now, viral and will hopefully clear up on its own.  So far so good!  I still find it hard to believe how well Emerson has accepted Reese.  She is so adorable with Reese!  She enjoys singing for her and talking to her, it is so, so nice to see!  Reese smiles at her and kicks her legs in excitement ... which led to a hilarious moment captured on video!  Unfortunately, the video won't upload here, but I do have it on FB!!  Em was talking to Reese, who was in her swing and kicking her legs.  Em turned to us and said, "Reesey's kicking me!"  It was so funny!!  She also was asking Reese, "What?  What Reesey?"  LOL!  Too cute :)

On Saturday when Cal and Blake were at hockey and on Sunday when they were at Blake's 1st skating lesson, I had an hour each day with just Emerson and I!!  It was SO nice.  I haven't spent time with just Em since before Reese was born.  Every day I spend time with just Blake (when the girls are napping), and of course Reese gets  a lot of 1 on 1 time with me, so it was really nice to spend a couple of hours with just Emerson (Reese was napping).  Both days she sat on my lap and we read books :)  One of her favorite things to do!  She's a little bookworm for sure!  I really enjoyed the time to ourselves and all the Emerson cuddles.

Blake loves Reese just as much as he loves Emerson and is so tender with her, giving her hugs and kisses all the time and talking so quietly and nicely to her!  The other day he told me that Reese is "Blueberry" now because Emerson isn't a baby anymore!  Blake was really excited when we brought the Bumbo chair up for Reese.  He remembers sharing his trains with Emerson when she first sat in the Bumbo and gathered up a couple to share with Reese!!  How adorable :)  We can't believe his memory ... he remembers a lot from age 2 and up!!  Maybe those memories will not stick as he gets older or maybe he'll be like his Auntie Lindsay and remember everything from his childhood!!!!  As mentioned above, Blake had his first skating lesson on Sunday with Extreme Edge Skating Club.  He was really looking forward to it and did great!  It was so cute, when a few weeks ago I was going to register him and I told him where I was going, to which he replied (in the most sincere voice you could ever imagine!), "Oh ... yeah!  Thanks Mom!!  Do you know where it is?  There's parking all around there, in front, on the sides!"  Tears came to my eyes, it was so cute!!!  Blake in on antibiotics for an ear and throat infection.  He's slowly starting to feel better.  Can't wait for this winter to be over!!!  I think all the "bugs" are hanging around and being passed around because it's been too cold for most people to go outside!! 
Reese is doing great as well.  She's been stuffed up for what seems like forever, but the Dr. reassures us it is viral and will go away eventually!  She's such a happy baby, not fussy at all.  If she fusses you know she needs to nurse or have a diaper change!  She's very, very smiley, just like Blake and Em were at her age and loves watching people!!  She's noticing a lot more these days and her head seems to be on a swivel as she watches everything happening around her!!  She's holding on to toys now too, which is neat.  Her sleeping habits are getting better and better.  I'm sort of "sleep training" her!  Not too strictly yet, but she's responded really well to my attempts so far.  One thing she's been doing the past few weeks is waking up around 8 pm and staying up until midnight some nights!!  I'm not too fond of that habit!  But it's not like she's unhappy or anything, she just hangs out, plays, eats and then goes to bed for the night!!  She's not doing that tonight though, so we'll see what's next!!  I know it takes a few weeks to establish an earlier bedtime, so maybe we're at the turning point?!  She naps really well during the day and seems to have learned how to fall asleep herself ... don't want to jinx us, so I'm saying "she seems"!!!  lol!  She still has no use for the soother, will suck on it for a few seconds and then spit it out.  She has found her thumb, but it doesn't seem to satisfy her!  I think the more children you have, the more relaxed you become.  At least that's how I feel!!  I'm not so worried about getting Reese "on a schedule!"  Although I do value the benefits of sleep and do want her to get an adequate amount of sleep!!  And I wouldn't mind some time to myself in the evenings ;)  Reese had an early 4 month check up today with our pediatrician.  She's doing awesome and is now 12 lbs 7 oz and 24" long.  Both in the 30th %tile.  I'm glad she's gaining weight and the doc is happy ;)  She smiled the whole time at Dr. Radisic and when he undid her diaper, she peed on him ... LOL!!  He laughed, I suppose being a pediatrician, that happens maybe almost daily?!  Her 4 month immunizations are next week. 

We're really looking forward to the Mom, Pop and Tots Fair this Friday.  Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs are there and Blake is super excited to see them!!!  He loves the show and I can't wait to see his reaction when he sees them on Friday!

Hope you are all having a great week!  Take care everyone :)

xoxo Tracy 

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