Friday, May 20, 2011

Emerson Marie

Our strong-willed, adorable, smart, hilarious, fun loving Emerson is too cute for words some days!!!  She is such a little Mommy with her dolls, or babies as she calls them.  She copies everything I do with Reese!  On Monday in the pediatrician's waiting room she took my nursing cover out of my purse and proceeded to nurse her baby!  She even switched sides and burped her baby :)  As a mother who has nursed 3 babies, I find it pretty friggen' cute!!!!  My Mom jokes that she is going to be a lactation consultant when she grows up ... lol!!!  Although right now she tells us she works at Costco!  She walks around the house saying she's going to work!  The first time she did it, we asked her where she works and she came up with Costco!  We asked her what she did at work and she said she makes monies and drinks coffee!!!!  Ha, ha, ha!  Oh and whenever we ask her when she works, she says 3 o'clock! 

Em can be such a sweetheart and a few weeks ago we were sitting on the couch and she turned to me, took my cheeks in her hands and said, "You're so cute!"  I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes!!  She just grinned at me :)  She also loves to say, "Awwww!"  We'll be driving and she'll see a puppy and say, "I see a puppy!  Awwww ... !!"  She also awww's over babies and other "cute" things!!  Such a girly thing to do ;)  We thought she might be a bit of a girly girly, as she loves to dress herself in what she calls her "fancy clothes" but at the same time she LOVES playing outside in the yard and digging in the sand!!

Emerson says the most hilarious things, but her newest saying had us in stitches the first time we hear it, "Sounds like a plan?"  It is so cute, but she used it a few too many times on Blake tonight while they were coloring and we were talking to them about bed time!!!  Finally he screamed at the top of his lungs, "YES EM!!!  IT SOUNDS LIKE A PLAN EM!!!!!"  Of course being the good little sister that she is and seeing that she was getting under his skin, she continued on ;)  Cal and I were laughing pretty hard!  We didn't interfere, we find that sometimes it's best to let those two figure things out themselves!  Learn a few conflict management skills perhaps?!  For the most part, they play very well together!

Emerson is still enjoying her swimming lessons and has another full year before she can move on to unparented lessons.  I think she'd be ready sooner, but they don't allow them to do unparented lessons until they are 3.  The same goes with preschool!  She is dieing to join Blake in his preschool class, but won't be able to until she's 3!  Emerson is taking a break from gymnastics for the summer, but is missing it already!  All day today she was doing her "moves" around the house - her favorite is the stork stance ;)  We'll register her in gymnastics for September!! 

We love you so much Emerson :)  You challenge us daily, but you bring us more joy and laughter then you can imagine!  Don't ever change, your perseverance, stubbornness and huge heart will serve you well in the future years!


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