
a.k.a. Reesey, Goose, Goosester, Blueberry, Baby!! Reese turned 9 months old on August 19th. 9 MONTHS?!? Oy!! Her 1st year is flying by. I am not sure where I got Goose from, but that is my favorite nickname for Reese a.t.m. Emerson refers to her most often as "baby!" Reese continues to be a very fast roller! She gets from one end of a room to the other extremely fast via rolling!! She still doesn't get too far with crawling - gets up on her hands and knees, crawls a "step" or 2, collapses and rolls!!! But her new favorite thing to do is what I call a bear walk position - up on her toes and hands on the floor in front of her! She loves doing this "downward dog" type pose!! Makes her smile ;) She also loves to stand!! Reese has a rough few days last week. She came down with a high fever and was extremely unhappy for 2 days and not very happy for a 3rd day! We were off to Saskatoon last weekend for my cousin Aaron's wedding and she fell ill on Tuesday night. Wednesday wasn't too bad, but Wednesday night and Thursday all day were terrible! So I took her to the E.R. She had no other symptoms so they did an in and out catheter to see if she had a urinary tract infection, but she didn't. Dr. said it was a virus. Dang viruses!!! She was not nursing, not eating solids, crying, fussing, not sleeping ... it was terrible!! By Friday night she was almost back to her normal self and so we left for the airport early Saturday morning. We had a wonderful time in Saskatoon, visiting with a lot of my "Smith" family. Reese travelled well, thank goodness and was back to her normal self!

Emerson is pretty much potty trained!! She has been going to the potty off and on for the past few weeks and this week started using the potty exclusively. She's had a few accidents, mostly #2's, but has really impressed us with how quickly she picked up on using the potty! We new that potty training Emerson would not be the same experience as we had with Blake. She had to decide how and when to do it and she pretty much did just that and virtually trained herself! Which I suppose is not really training at all, but maybe more appropriately called potty learning. Blake has been one of her biggest cheer leaders, which I think has helped a lot :) We've taken her out 2 days in a row now, yesterday she had an accident while out so today I put a Pull-Up on her, but she used the washroom while out :) We're so proud of her!!! The whole process has been a lot less work this time around! We were going to have her potty party on Sunday evening, but post poned it to this Sunday evening at my parent's new lake lot! Emerson is SO into clothes and is of course really into all her new underwear ;) She's always been a girly girl, but it's getting more and more as she gets older. She picks her clothes and changes her outfit a gazillion times a day! It's like an ongoing fashion show around here :) It is so cute to see her pick up a piece of clothing, hold it up and say, "Awwww ... cute!" Or sometimes she'll look at something, put it down and tell me to sell it!! Too funny!!!

Blake's doing great! He's still our little ball of energy, enjoying summer and all the activities that come with it :) He loves to play every sport you can think of and still loves his truck's and trains!! He had a blast at his Jitter Bug's camp in July and is in another session this week. He was pretty excited to see Adam, his preschool buddy this week at the YMCA. It was cute to see them chatting and catching up!!! Blake is very proud of Emerson's potty accomplishments and all of Reese's new accomplishments! He's very excited to go camping and quadding with Grandma and Grandpa D this weekend!!
So as I said above, Reese took her first airplane ride this weekend. She did great! I was worried about her ears, but we had no issues. We enjoyed visiting with family in Saskatoon! While Reese and I were in SK, Cal, Blake and Emerson were having a fun weekend in E-Town!!! Saturday they went to the Canadian Derby at Northlands (an annual outing for the Cameron family!) and had a great time par-taking in the race day activities. Sunday they went to a local park with Berlyn and then after naptime, they went to the Parenteau's for a pool party/BBQ! They had a busy weekend and were tuckered out by Sunday night!!
September is fast approaching and with it comes a new set of fall and winter activities. Blake's taking a skating lesson on Monday's starting in October and Initiation 1 hockey will start sometime in September (Saturdays). Preschool starts the week after September long weekend (Tuesdays and Thursday mornings) and so do swimming lessons on Friday afternoons. Emerson starts gymnastics (Wednesday afternoons) and swimming lessons (Saturday mornings) starting the week after September long weekend. Em's also really looking forward to Come Play With Me (during Blake's preschool class) and seeing Ms. Christine again!! Reese will be joining us at Come Play With Me and I'm really looking forward to seeing her reaction to the group this year, as she is older and LOVES singing and music!! She loves playing with our LeapFrog fridge toys that sings and smiles and tries to clap her hands when I sing and clap to the music! I think she'll really enjoy Come Play With Me!!
Looking at the list of activities above worries me a tad!!!! I already feel overwhelmingly busy and we don't have any of that on our plates yet?! I better get better organized! And get to bed earlier ...
Enjoy the last few weeks of August everyone! Hopefully our weather will continue to be nice and our September will be kind to us as well :)
xoxo Tracy
1 comment:
Whew! Sadly, the kids just don't slow down, hey? Congrats on potty training, Emerson! Awesome job! September looks like it will be the beginning of a busy fall for the Edmonton Cameron's. Have fun :)
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