Emerson chose a princess/prince theme, which was really fun!! The girls worn their favorite tu-tu's :) Emerson's party outfit was super cute, with matching t and tutu!!
For party favors we gave out prince crowns and foam swords to the boys and tiara's and wands to the girls! The kids all wore their tiara's and crowns for dinner and cake!
And I actually had fun making a princess cake! It turned out great and was pretty easy to make, thanks to a special cake pan a friend lent me!!
Emerson was in her element and had a huge grin on her face the entire time :) The two young girls who were the coaches for the party, did an excellent job!!
After 1 hour of floor time, we had a party room for 1 hour for dinner, cake and gift opening.
Thank you so much to everyone who came to celebrate with us and spoil our little girl! Emerson is definitely not a huge crowd person, but she did have a lot of fun and is very thankful for your presence and your presents! She's been enjoying her gifts this week and is over the moon with everything ;) A special thanks to Grandma Bev for flying down to spend the weekend with us!! We loved having you and the kids are still talking about Grandma's bed ;)
The Cameron's
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