Thursday, March 1, 2012

Big Girl!!

Turning 3 is a big milestone in our house!

At 3 a visit to the dentist and optometrist is recommended and unparented lessons and preschool classes can begin!

Emerson had her 3 yr check up on Tuesday morning with Dr. Radisic, our pediatrician.  She weighed in at 30 lbs (30th %tile) and was 36.2" tall (25th %tile).  She has actually climbed the charts in %tiles!!  Dr. Radisic was impressed with her speech and vocabulary!!  It was very cute to see her interacting with the nurse and Dr!  I was holding a very sick Reese and could not help Em much, so she took her coat and boots off and skipped off to be weighed and measured by the nurse!  When she came back she stepped on to the stool and up onto the examination table with a little help from Dr. Radisic!  She answered all his questions and asked for a sucker at the end!!  lol!! 

On Wednesday morning I registered Emerson for the next session of gymnastics (begins in April), which will be unparented.  Her class time will be Saturday's from 11:30 to 12:30.  And unparented swimming lessons start next Friday!

Today Em had her first visit to the dentist!  She did awesome!!  She did not say much, just shook her head yes or no, which is quite a change for our chatty little girl!  The hygienist did a little bit of scaling and polished her teeth.  The dentist did an examination and said her teeth are some of the smallest she's ever seen.  And Dr. Bergt suggested we encourage Emerson to stop sucking her thumb ... which she realizes is easier said then done!  There is an appliance that can be put in Em's mouth for approx. 6 months (they call it a bridge).  It prevents thumb-suckers from getting their thumb in the optimal "sucking" position (thumb on the roof of the mouth)!!  Dr. Bergt's daughter had this appliance when she was only 3 years old and after a few weeks she was completely weaned from sucking her thumb.  This is something we will probably look into for Em, however after listening to Dr. Bergt describe what thumb sucking can do to your teeth, Emerson says she is going to stop sucking her thumb!!!!  And of course we have policeman Blake on the job as well ;)  He has already reminded her that she should not suck her thumb!!  I'm betting that tonight once they go to bed, we will hear Blake reminding Emerson to not suck her thumb!

I will make Em and optometrist appointment, but I think I'll wait a few months!

We're still on the waiting list for a spot in preschool on Tues or Thurs morning ... hopefully a spot will come up soon.

So there are a lot of changes happening for Em!  Very exciting for the most part, but also a bit sad for Mom and Dad :(  We just hope Emerson enjoys herself in the unparented lessons as much as she's enjoyed the parented lessons :)


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