Blake, ready to go rock his Christmas concert!! |
Blake performing, "Quand le pere Noel vient me visiter" |
Blake decorating his tree! |
Thursday, December 13th we attended both Emerson's and Blake's Christmas functions at their schools! We had a great time at both!! Emerson's preschool class wore Santa hats and beards while singing Jingle Bells, Santa Claus is Coming to Town and We Wish You a Merry Christmas, all with actions!! So cute :) Emerson did a fantastic job, we were so proud of her :) After the concert, Santa visited the classroom and we had a pot luck snack. It was nice that Blake didn't have school on Thursday and we were able to attend all together :)
Blake's Christmas concert was Thursday evening. Blake was extremely excited!!! The French immersion KG class, the English KG class and the two 100 Voices preschool classes all performed on Friday night, finishing with a grande finale "We Wish You a Merry Christmas", all performed together (close to 100 students!)! They did such a great job, very entertaining with their fun actions and singing their hearts out :) Blake's class sang a song about Santa in French, which was very impressive and the English KG class sang a beautiful song about baby Jesus. After all the music, there was snacks and a all the kids got to decorate a Christmas tree (waffle cone with green icing and candies!)! It was a nice evening and we were so proud of Blake's performance :)
Emerson's preschool class, ready to perform! (Em is the last child on the far right) |
Our family at Emerson's Christmas party!
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