Saturday, July 6, 2013


Another busy month gone by far too fast!!  Good thing I write most everything down on our family calendar, otherwise I would never remember everything I wanted to write about on this online 'diary' a.k.a. blog ;)
Proud of Em :)
Thank you G&G :)
The beginning of June (the 1st) brought Emerson's dance recital.  We were all very excited (Emerson and I most especially!)!!  The week before the recital, Emerson had a class on Wednesday to learn the grande finale dance.  After 20 minutes or so I went to peek in the class, only to find her crying and in the arms of one of the instructors.  She came and sat with me for awhile and then got up and learned the steps.  I was confused as to why she was crying, as she has always had the best time in dance class and never shown any signs of being scared or upset.  Em didn't really tell me what was upsetting her and after class I spoke to the instructor who also didn't have any idea.  The class was with all the 4 yr old dancers from every class and Emerson's instructor was sick that day and couldn't be there, so I think she was just overwhelmed and missing Miss Jessica!  After this incident I was worried that at the recital, dancing on the big stage at the Myer Horowitz Theatre, she would be totally overwhelmed and either freeze or start crying!!!  She did neither, she rocked that stage!  She had THE biggest smile on her face the entire time!  It was absolutely adorable, I got tears in my eyes :)  I couldn't believe how big she was smiling!  She even remembered (almost) all her steps!  It was great, we really enjoyed the show and all the other performances as well!  Emerson and Reese are both signed up at Variations for next years dance season!  After the recital we had a birthday party to attend at a local spray park.  It was a fun day with very tired kids at the end of the day ;)

Since the end of May brought Emerson's last days of preschool and Blake did not have
In their glory!!
Kindergarten on Thursdays, the kids and I headed out to my Mom and Dad's lake lot on the 8th of June for a day of campfires, quadding and fun :)  We had a great time!  Reese enjoyed quadding last summer but did not want to go for a ride this year!!  Blake and Em love quadding and would ride all day if they could!  They also enjoy taking turns driving!  We played Bocce ball and my Mom blew up a gigantic bowling set they had bought on their last trip to the States!  The day was complete with a hot dog roast and smores!!
Bocce with Grandma :)

The next day, we were invited to a fundraiser at my girlfriends son's school.  Since it was later in the evening, I took Blake and Emerson so Cal could put Reese to bed.  The kids had a blast!  It was a very well organized and planned event!!  The theme was 'Small Town Carnival'.  There was a cookie decorating tent, old fashioned games tent, you could tye-dye a t-shirt at another tent, pony rides, a ball toss, entertainment provided by the student of the school, a bbq, etc, etc, etc!

On the 9th Cal and a few of his buddies participated in a golf tournament for the Alberta Handball Association, of which his friend is the vice-president.  Cal had a great time, he loves to golf but doesn't get out as often as he did prior to 3 munchkins ;)  The kids and I had a nice dinner with my Mom and Dad that evening.

On the 13th the kids and I went out to Stony Plain for a playdate with Erica, Danielle and Grandma D!  We had a nice visit!

On the 14th we took the kids out for a nice dinner, thanks to TELUS!  It was Cal's 15 yr anniversary this year and he was told to take the family out for dinner in celebration.  We asked the kids where they would like to go ... Emerson wanted to go to BP's and Blake and Reese wanted to go to McDonald's!!  I told them we should go to a fancier restaurant and was hoping for the Keg but they wanted to go to Red Lobster, which we all love.  They were so well-behaved, it was very nice dinner out :)

The 16th was Father's Day, we had a nice day at home, playing outside and enjoying the day!  That evening we had a delicious bbq at our house with my Mom and Dad.

On the 19th Blake had a follow-up appointment with his E.N.T. at the Stollery.  I thought I'd make the day a little more exciting by taking the kids on the L.R.T.!  Of course, they thought it was pretty cool and were excited!!  It's the small things ;)  The appointment went well and at this time, as has been in the past, there is no reason to remove the extra sinus in Blake's ear.  That is good news!

On the 20th my Dad picked Cal up for their 2nd annual guys quadding/fishing trip.  They were originally going to leave on the 19th but due to the flooding north of Fort McMurray and a bridge washed out, they had to move the trip to the Lac la Biche area and therefore did not need to leave as early.  They had a few location changes but settled in for a few days of fishing and quadding in the great outdoors!!  By all accounts, they had a good time.  Caught a few fish, did some quadding, drank some beers and stayed up too late ;)

The 22nd brought Blake's last ball hockey game of the season and a birthday party for Emerson.  Blake's last game was great, although he was a bit disappointed that they were playing the Oilers as the Oilers are his favorite hockey team and he didn't want to have to beat them ... lol!!!  We really noticed a lot of improvement in the team from game to game and all the players always had big smiles on their faces!!  Blake really enjoyed ball hockey and wants to play again next year.  After the game I took the kids to Ikea and then we dropped Em off at her party!  She had a great time, I am so grateful for her preschool friends and our little preschool 'family'.  Many of Em's classmates will be returning this year and all returning students are moving from the Tu/Th a.m. class to the M/W/F a.m. class!

Cal came home from his trip on the 23rd, surrounded by hugs, kisses and "We missed you Daddy"!!

Cal had an afternoon of golf with his work team on the 27th and that night we got ready for our July long weekend camping trip!

And that was our June :)  Blake's last month of Kindergarten was busy and emotional (for me), so I will post another blog on that!!



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