Thursday, October 23, 2014

It's a looth tooth!

Em has a loose tooth!!  She was complaining at supper time about having trouble biting her food.  I told her not to worry, she has a dentist appointment next week.  She continued to complain so Cal took a look and proclaimed, "I know the problem!!  You have a looth tooth (a favorite line from a Bernstein Bears book we love!)!"  Em was squealing with excitement - visions of $100 bills in her eyes ;)  lol!!

Then the questions started, "Will there be blood?  I might get a little bit scared if there's blood."  "Will it hurt?"  "What if I swallow it?"  Oh Em, always thinking of every possibility!

I have to admit, I was a little bit sad when I felt that teeny-tiny, little baby tooth wiggle (she has the smallest little chicklets!!).  I felt like she wasn't old enough, when in reality she really is.  Just not ready for her to be old enough, I guess ;)

So the tooth fairy will soon be visiting our home again, this time for Miss Em!  I am definitely taking a photo of her beautiful baby-toothed smile, tomorrow morning :)

After feeling slightly emotional over a baby tooth (pull it together, Tracy!), at bedtime Em asked me, "When I'm older you won't have to tuck me in or sing me a song, will you?"  Slow the *bleep* down, Emerson ... seriously!  I told her that soon enough she will be an adult and she might not live with Mom and Dad anymore, so for the time being we should enjoy this special time together and that we will tuck her in and sing her songs for as long as she likes (which in reality will probably not be as long as I would like!)!  She's so independent, that girl but then at times not - perfect 5 year old ;)

This week has been a very good week at school for Em!  She has been excited at the end of day.  Previous weeks have not been so exciting.  She has told me that Kindergarten is boring and there's been a few days where she has complained that Kindergarten is soooo long, she doesn't get to see me for soooo long.  This last complaint really surprised me!  Kindergarten is only 1/2 hr longer than preschool.  But I think the bus ride at the end of the morning really feels long to her!  A few days into bussing, I requested that she sit with her friend Nathan and since then the bus ride has been more fun :)  I also think Emerson is having more fun this week because 1) They each have their own iPads now (duh, what child wouldn't find that exciting!!) 2) They began 'letter of the week' at the beginning of October and she is coming home every day with new French words 3) Kindercooking has begun and she got to bake monster cookies this week!

We love you so much Em and can't wait for the tooth fairy to visit you!!



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