Our first few weeks of March were great! Our ringette season ended on the 7th. We had a fun last ice time, playing a few games and scrimmaging. The girls improved so much over the course of the season and both say they will play again next year! We're so proud of them :) I think the highlight of the ringette season would be the Beaumont Jamboree!! It was such a great time and very well organized, with fun activities between games and great loot bags ;)
Blake played a few more playoff games at the beginning of March and wrapped up the season with a tough one! It was a poorly officiated game and I really hate to say that but it was essentially terrible. It was a close game but could have certainly gone the other way with a more fairly officiated game. Quite a few of the boys were upset after the game, Blake included. He was silently sobbing and did not want consoling! In my mind, it doesn't hurt to be upset. Shows his heart is in the game and he's dedicated. I think everyone needs to learn how to be a good loser, you can't win them all (and you don't learn anything from winning them all!) but you don't have to accept losing ... if that makes sense?! Blake's team had a great season. Started the year off rocky, came together and learned how to play as a team, practiced hard (and of course, I think Cal had a huge role in them improving with his awesome practices!!), improved tremendously, won silver in the Confederation tournament, silver in Minor Hockey Week (there are many men that you talk to who played EMHL for years and have never even made it to a final!!), were the only Novice team in our hockey club to be moved up a tier, won bronze in the Stan Gantar tournament and made many new friends and had a lot of fun along the way :) As a head Coach, Cal learned a ton and had fun too!! All the boys and the coaches, should be proud of themselves!
The beginning of March also brought play dates and dinner dates! We had our weekly library Pokemon meeting (we try to meet most early dismissal Thursdays!), Reese and I had Erin and her Mom over one Tuesday morning, Reese and I went to another preschool friend's house for a play date and the Parenteaus came over for dinner on a Saturday night. Oh, and throw a field trip in there :) I accompanied Reese's class to the Jubilee for a Shumka performance!! It was wonderful and made me miss my Ukrainian dancing days! Reese also enjoyed it! The kids and I also had a fun afternoon with Connor. Lindsay brought him over while she took Mason to a Dr. appointment. We walked to the park and met Berlyn. The kids ran and held hands and had fun :) It was a beautiful day!! Of course we've had more snow since then but at least we know it isn't sticking around for long now! Our first hockey-free Saturday, we headed to Totem Outfitters to buy Blake's lacrosse equipment and stopped for a walk in the river valley on our way home. It was another beautiful day out and we were trying to catch a glimpse of the Red Bull Crashed Ice track!!
Great ringette season, Emerson and Reese! |
Last KC 054 Storm huddle of the season |
Walking with Connor to the park :) |
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