Thursday, October 15, 2015


Emerson is loving grade 1!  She is learning so much.  Blake tests her French and it's so cool to hear all the new sentences and phrases she knows.  She is also proficient in the French alphabet and all the letter sounds.  She flips through her alphabet ring, like it's a breeze ;)  It's very exciting to watch Emerson learn, she soaks up every minute and is a quick learner.  She is an extremely responsible student and takes care of all her school library books, homework, agenda, any forms that come home, etc.  She is the one reminding me that she has to do homework, I have to sign a form, etc!  She always puts her books in her backpack the night before library day, without a reminder from Cal and I!!  She's as studious as a grade 1 student can be :)

Em isn't too upset with my return to work.  She seems kind of proud and in fact I heard her tell her friend Berlyn on the way to dance tonight, "Yeah, she's working again.  She works in classrooms, kinda like a substitute teacher."  lol!!  Apparently my role needs to be better explained, so funny!

Emerson is busy, busy with swimming lessons, Ukrainian Dancing and will soon be starting ringette.  She loves swimming but had a few weeks where she didn't want to go because there were no other girls in her class and the instructor was a boy!  Two weeks ago a girl joined her class and so now she's back to loving swimming lessons!  She is really enjoying Ukrainian Dancing and seems to be learning a lot.  We have a parent watch night in November, which I can't wait for!!  I'm so happy she's enjoying Ukrainian dancing, I loved it as a kid and have always wanted her to try it!!  When we looked into it a few years ago, the time was just too late for her but now it's workable.  Still a bit later than we'd like but at 6 years old she can handle it a lot better than she would have been able to handle it at age 4 ;)  She told me last week that she got a special sticker for keeping her toes very pointed during her 'Taneks' :)  Ringette begins this Sunday!  Em is super excited and really hopes to be on the same team as her friend Charlotte from last year!  There are two Active Start 2 teams, so fingers crossed she gets put on the same team as Charlotte!  Cal is assisting with Active Start 2 and Emerson is super excited to have him coach her :)  Em will be on the ice every Sunday afternoon and every 2nd Thursday evening!  They have committed to 3 tournaments - the Silver Ring in Edmonton, the Sweetheart tournament (very exciting, my sister and I played in this tournament for many years, my mom organized it and my sisters ladies team is playing in it this year!!) and the Beaumont Tim Hortons Jamboree (which was very fun last year!!)!  

We're as proud as ever of our Em :)

Next up, a little update on our boy!


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