Wednesday, June 29, 2016

School year-end celebration!

Today we gathered with some of our school besties at the St. Albert spray park!  We couldn't have asked for better weather or a better time :)  The kids ran in and out of the water, having water gun fights and splashing around.  They played on the playground and played soccer and what spray park day would be complete without icecream!  We were feeling almost ready to leave when we were told to leave ... lightning was spotted and apparently they close the park down during thunderstorms.  We just made it to the van when the skies opened up!  As we drove home, we were pelted with hail.  Eek!  We're so grateful for our wonderful school friends and families.  The kids really miss eachother during the summer so hopefully we'll be able to all gather together again!  It's tough to plan playdates in the summer, with everyone taking vacation at different times.  We capped off our first day of summer break fun with a family dinner out at Soda Jerks.  In hindsight, this may not have been the best of choices as the kids (namely Emerson!) were quite tired and slightly grumpy but it all turned out in the end ;) We're now officially on vacation and can't wait for Cal's holidays and our many summer adventures as a family :) Stay tuned!!


Such great kids + friends!! #schoolpeeps

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