Heaven gained an angel on March 9th. My Grandma Kelley, my mom's mom, passed away peacefully in her sleep. I posted a status update on Facebook in a rush of emotion, late at night while I was all by myself contemplating life and remembering my Grandma. I think I'll share that here as I feel it sums up my thoughts best. Love you, Grandma. I pray you are at peace and happy.
Facebook post:
"the world lost a very special lady today. My Grandma Kelley passed away and although I am very sad, I know she is in a better place. A place where she has all the spunk and spark back that she's lost over the past few years, reading her gossip magazines, listening to her radio, lighting cigarette after cigarette and mostly letting them burn out!! She was one of a kind and I am so glad for all of our awesome memories - we never had to pack pj's when we visited, we always snuggled up in one of her flannel nighties! And the stuffies, oh how we loved her stuffie collection!! She always sent us on our way with something cool - a trinkette, the entire Fraggle Rock collection from McDonald's, a cool Slurpee cup from 7-11 and always a huge canister of coffee for Mom and Dad (she was a bargain shopper, if it was on sale she bought multiples!!) I could sit around her kitchen table for hours, just reading magazines and listening to the radio. She taught us a lot about life, probably without even knowing it, but I think the most important lesson was one of resilience. She was tough as nails, endured many hardships, a lot of shit (no better way to say it) and always persevered. She was one of the hardest working ladies I know and a woman of few words. She wasn't much of a hugger but I'll miss wrapping my arms around her skin and bones and at the same time wondering why the hell didn't I inherit her small frame!!! lol! I feel like I got her and I think she got me. Oh and one more memory because I often think back to this - at our wedding a group of friends and I were dancing to Grease Lightning and I look over and there's my Grandma, busting a move on the dance floor!!!! Maybe I got my love of dancing from her! She was one of a kind
I love you Grandma and I will hold our memories very close, forever and ever. xoxo Cal, Tracy, Blake, Emerson, Reese and even Hilda the dog (inside joke)"

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