Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Beginning of July!

After the Cameron Family Reunion we took Canada Day off to rest and relax! Happy Canada Day everyone, very thankful for the country we live in and our rights and freedoms.

The next morning we headed to the small town of Calahoo to see the Stanley Cup! The coach of the St. Louis Blues is from Calahoo and was bringing the cup home!! We lined up and made it in to see the cup ... apparently they cut the line off at some point so I was very thankful we actually got to see the cup and didn't wait in line only to be sent home. Anyways, it was very cool to touch the Stanley Cup and have our photo taken with it :) Fun experience!!

On the 5th Cal headed to Crowsnest Pass with friends to run in the Sinister 7 race. He had a fun weekend and a successful run! The weather was much better this year, thankfully.

On the 9th Emerson finally had her hair cut!! 9" to be exact. She has wanted to chop her hair for a long time and we finally scheduled the appointment. She was so excited and happy!! It was hard for mom to embrace but it's just hair ;) Reese also had a few inches cut off but not quite as much! Both girls look so cute with their new hair-do's and a bit older too.

On the 11th we headed to Calgary for lacrosse provincials. They won 2, lost 2 but battled hard and had some really great games. The team had a lot of fun in between games, taking a trip to Olympic park to try the bobsleigh track!! Blake said it was a lot of fun!! They also had their wind-up party at the hotel, enjoying a pizza party and a hilarious game of musical chairs!! Seriously, we never thought musical chairs would be that huge of a hit with this age of boys but it was and they played like lacrosse players - elbows up and full contact ... lol!!!! It was a great season of lacrosse for Blake, he learned a lot and made some new friends too! Time for an organized sports break :) But already looking forward to next season!! He's hoping to make Bantam A as a first year player :)

This week we had some awesome play dates before we head off on vacacy! First up was a super fun day with the Stecyk's at their beach club!! We always love a day at the beach with Linds and the boys! The weather was gorgeous and it was nice to visit and catch up! The next day we hung out at the McArthur's and the kids had a fabulous idea to do a Kool-Aid stand at Lake Beumaris! They each made some pocket change and had some fun :) We ended the week with a pool date with the Bucci's!! We checked out Borden park pool and soaked up some sun!!

We're getting so close to summer vacation we can taste it!! That will be its own blog post!! See you all soon, I hope summer is off to a great start for you!

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