Saturday, January 4, 2020

Last month of 2019!

What were the Cameron 5 up to in December?? Well, much of the usual - ringette, hockey, dance, Girl Guides, work, eat, sleep, repeat!! Oh and school, duh. Here's some of the highlights (minus Christmas because Christmas deserves its own post!!)

1st: Girls and I attended Ringette night at the Oil Kings game! An annual event and always a lot of fun with our ringette friends!

2nd: Deck the Cameron Halls was completed!! aka Christmas explosion in our house!

3rd: Reese and Emerson's 1st ski day field trip at Sunridge!

6th: Emerson and her Devils teammates made 100+ pies as a team fundraiser! This happened at Simply Supper and was simply (see what I did there?!) an awesome and fun fundraiser. The pies sold like hotcakes (thanks everyone!) and they were also delicious!

6th to 8th: Blake tried out for an Alberta Winter Games team. He had a really good weekend, 

13th: Reese and her Girl Guides unit attended a movie at Landmark Cinema in St. Albert for their Christmas Party. And I had a night out with my friend Shelley! We had an absolute blast at the River Cree Resort and Casino!! We had supper at the buffet (DELICIOUS!! and it was seafood night!), attended a Bon Jovi cover band concert and enjoyed a few bevvies at the pub after the concert! It was a ton of fun! 

14th: Reese and the Raptors had their Christmas Party at the Derick Winter Club. Some of her teammates families are members at the club. It was a lot of fun for the team - they went swimming and had a gift exchange and dinner. The gift exchange theme was 'Spa and Stuffies'! The adults enjoyed a beverage and appys in the lounge while the kids were swimming (they were supervised, don't worry!) 

16th: We met my parents and the Stecyk's at WEM for our Santa by Appointment visit! The Santa changed this year which was a little disappointing but it was still a magical visit :) The atmosphere and time spent is so special vs the regular mall Santa visit!!

17th: Blake's 1st band concert! We really enjoyed the music and talent!! Blake plays the trombone.

18th: Ski trip field trip day #2 for Em and Reese and I volunteered this time! Lots of fun at Sunridge, I love skiing!! And this evening, Cal and I attended a dinner at Sabor, hosted by a vendor he works with. It was an unbelievable meal. I'd say the best I've ever had and the person who was hosting us knew what kind of wine to pair with each course and what to drink with dessert - it was phenomenal!!! Very nice evening out!!

19th: STAR WARS day for Cal, Blake, Emerson and the Mauro boys!!! The new movie came out today and we pre-bought tickets :)

21st: A nice evening at the Parenteau's! It's so nice to have them close by again!! Their new home in St. Albert is gorgeous.

22nd: Another fun evening, this time at the Bucci's! Always a blast when we all get together! Bucci's, Mauro's, Chorney's, Scott's and Cameron's - a lot of kids but we all had a blast!

28th: We met the Anderson's at Rabbit Hill for a day of skiing! And that evening I hit the town with my friends Sam and Jen! A late night of dancing, we always have the best time!!

30th: We caught one of Connor's hockey games as he was in what we called the 'Christmas tournament' aka Confederation Hockey tournament. It was great to see one of his games!!

31st: We spent the day sledding with the Stony Plain Cameron's! It was a gorgeous day outside and we ended it with a DQ ice cream :) We spent the evening and late into the New Year at the Bucci's! Lots of fun ringing in the New Year!!

Coming up ... 2020!!! 


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