Thursday, March 22, 2007

Baby Dropped?!

Well, I think the baby may have dropped! I have been noticing a change in the position of my stomach. It seems a lot lower and I'm feeling a lot more pressure in my pelvis and my heartburn isn't near as bad. I kind of thought all along that I was carrying the baby high and my belly started right under my chest and now there is a bigger space between the two! And then a lady at work today commented that the baby has dropped. I wasn't sure when this would happen, I know I've read and/or heard about it but didn't remember when it could happen, so I did a little research and apparently at this time it is possible. It would explain some of my other "symptoms"!! It is more uncomfortable that is for sure! The baby "dropping" doesn't mean your any nearer delivery!!! We had our last prenatal class last night, it was mostly focused on breast feeding. We've really enjoyed the classes and we both feel much more prepared for what is to come! Everyone exchanged numbers so hopefully we'll keep in touch with some of the couples we met. There was one person in the class who was also in my aqua size class and she told me at the end of the class that she had already registered for the New Mom's Network out of the health unit and asked if I had, so today I did. So I know we will definitely keep in touch! The group meets 6 times and then often continues meeting once a week. It begins on June 13th. That's what's new with us!! Hope everyone is well and we will talk to you soon!

Cal, Tracy and Baby


Gerry and Lesley said...

You need to update a picture of you so we can see that it's dropped! It's coming up so fast... can't wait!! The nursery looks so great. The crib and armoire look awesome together! Love the crib bedding! Take care.
Lots of love,

Anonymous said...

how exciting!! the nursery looks amazing. can't wait to see some updated pictures of you!

Anonymous said...

Wow, the count down begins can't wait to see the new baby!! How excited are you getting?? It's crazy isn't it.
Love all 3 of you!!
Jeanine and Ryann