Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Growing Boy!

Yesterday we had our Pediatrician appointment and Blake is now weighing in at 7 lbs 8oz!! He's almost gained 1 lb! The Pediatrician was really happy with this and says he is a perfectly healthy little boy! I am sad though ... they really do grow up too fast! I can't get over the fact that everyday he is growing and changing and he'll never be this little again. We have had a lot of visitors this week! We've been very busy, so today is family day! Blake slept for 3 hours last night and then for a 5 hour stretch!!! It was awesome! And I had to wake him up after 5 hours! They don't want newborns to go more than 5 hours without a feeding. I felt bad waking him up! I wonder if maybe he wasn't so tired from all of his visitors! We'll see how he sleeps tonight - hopefully last night was his new routine!? Wishful thinking! Tomorrow we are going for pictures in Spruce Grove. Now I'm just wondering if I'll be able to do my hair and what the heck I'll wear!? We are supposed to go camping this weekend for a few nights, but the weather channel is forecasting rain :( Hopefully we'll still get out there. So, I hope everyone has a great long weekend! Take care!!

Luv Cal, Tracy and Blake


Anonymous said...

Thanks for inviting us over yesterday. It was so great to see you guys and to hold your little man! Jeff and Shelbi can't wait to meet Blake.
love you guys!
Tina & Kira

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure I cried a couple times while I rocked Ry to sleep when she was little....I still just stare at her and get sad cause each day she is mastering something new...she can climb on everything now, she can pull out chairs and get on the table little bugger....anyway, the growing up is sad but exciting too waiting to see what they will learn next, an experience I wouldn't trade for no ones bank account....even Jeff Gordon!! haha sorry Dave was making an analogy tonight and that name stuck.