Friday, October 26, 2007

1st Tooth!!!!!!!!

It has arrived!! I always let Blake chew on my fingers and this morning I felt something sharp! Sure enough it is a tooth!! We could see the 2 front teeth under the gums for a few weeks now and he has been drooling and knawing on things for it seems like months now! So we're very excited to see the tooth break through the surface! Blake is doing great with solids now. He's eating 3 times a day, 3 tbsp of cereal in the am, 3 tbsp of cereal in the afternoon (with a carrot cube right now) and 3 tbsp of cereal in the evening! He loves his food that's for sure!! Sometimes he gets quite angry when he's done so we have to hurray and mix up some more! LOL! This weekend we are going to try meats. But I better run, we are off to do some shopping with my Mom and sister! Take care everyone!

Love The Cameron's!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is so exciting a tooth i love this blog i feel like a part of Blakes live love all of you guys talk soon
Aunty Kathy