Friday, November 2, 2007

Happy Halloween!

We had a fun Halloween!! Blake and I started the day with our last fall Aquababies class. Then we went to a party at Jodi and Jared's house. I made these really cute little treat bags for Blake to give to all his friends! The party was hilarious with all the babies in their costumes! Some were not impressed!! Blake seemed to be the opposite - he laughed and giggled and smiled and looked around as if to say, "Look at me! I'm so cute in this costume!" He is such a character sometimes! In the evening Cal took Blake to a few houses in the neighbourhood and we took some pictures. It was a pretty long day - but very fun!!! Yesterday we had our last fall Salsa Babies class, followed by a pot luck at one of the ladies houses. Today Blake has his six month immunizations. I can not believe he is almost six months old (Nov. 5)!? Where does the time go?? Argh! He is sitting up on his own quite well, although we are putting a pillow behind him! And once he discovers that the pillow is behind him it seems to be a game for him - every time you sit me up, I throw myself back onto the soft pillow!! So much fun!!!! He's also decided that every time we put him on his stomach he should roll to his back! Which isn't helping out the bald spot on the back of his head!! LOL! Next week we start a new round of activities! Tuesdays we are going to baby lap time at the library, Wednesday's Aquababies again and New Mom's Group, and Thursday's Salsa Babies. Lots of fun!! Hope you all had a fun and safe Halloween!! Take care!

Love Tracy

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